Monday, November 11, 2013

Questions for POTUS, Hillary

Since most of the MSM is too twitterpated to believe that its chosen one could mislead them, spy on them, investigate them and deny them their daily bread, and because the only viable alternative can't wangle an interview with either the President or Hillary Clinton, I thought I'd take a stab at posing questions that I'd ask either of them, knowing full well that no job I'd ever be interested in having would be jeopardized by my insouciant questions.

For Ms. Clinton:

When pressed by the congressmen during one of your hearings on Benghazi, you replied, in essence, What does it matter?  As President, would that be a sufficient answer from an underling in response to congressional inquiry about an incident in which four Americans were murdered?

Why was the controversial movie used as an explanation about the attack on the consulate in Benghazi?

Does being the first woman president drive you to run?

How would you deal with the Iranians?

What role did you have with the ARBs and their release?

What do you think should be done with the members of your staff who took the fall for you and were removed from their posts and reassigned?  Should they be be fired?

What steps are being taken to locate the consulate's attackers?

Is Rahm Emmanuel going to be your running mate in 2016, or is there another woman whom you would choose instead?

What Republican candidate do you least want to see in 2016?

For Mr. Obama:

Why do you criticize Fox News so much?

What does it take to be fired in your administration?

What is your definition of transparency?

Do you really like Hillary Clinton?

How is it that a man as educated as you, a Harvard graduate and a former professor at the University of Chicago, is so hopelessly uninformed about the goings-on in his own administration that he only learns of things when they're reported in the media?  If it is true that you only learn of them in the media, does that mean you're guilty of dereliction of duty?

How do you explain that after you pitched woo at the Arab world, more fighting broke out in it than during the entire tenure of George W. Bush?

Why haven't you closed Gitmo yet?

Why won't you delay Obamacare until the problems with the website are resolved?

When did you first learn about the attack on Benghazi and the real reason behind it?

Why were no liberal groups targeted by the IRS?

Why was Big Business given a break on Obamacare requirements but not small businesses?

Why did you choose Joe Biden as your running mate?

How do you justify the seizure of the AP's phone records?

Why did you choose to comment on the Trayvon Martin case before a verdict was rendered but not on the murder of the Australian exchange student in Oklahoma, the murder of the World War II vet in Washington and the assault and battery of a thirteen-year-old student on a bus by three older black youths?

Why did you waffle on support for Libya and Syria?

Why did you not appoint an independent counsel to investigate Eric Holder on his sundry questionable actions?

Why were immigration reform advocates allowed usage of federal lands during the government shutdown but veterans were kept out?

Is there any limit to amnesty for illegal immigrants?

Why were you so obsequious toward foreign leaders when the NSA eavesdropping was revealed especially when it is widely known that those very leaders' governments are spying on the United States.

Is Edward Snowden a traitor?  If so, would you order his elimination as you have Americans who have actively supported Al Qaeda?

Why won't you release the pictures of Osama bin Laden?  On a similar note, why has aid to both Pakistan and Egypt not been curtailed?  Furthermore, why are funds being funneled to the Muslim Brotherhood?

Are you in favor of the rhetoric employed by Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and other supporters directed at the Republicans, calling them arsonists, terrorists and worse?

Do you believe the Republicans are right about anything?

Why were no liberal groups targeted by the IRS for investigation?

Why do you feel it's all right to target Americans working with Al Qaeda without giving them Due Process but you feel compelled to give Al Qaeda enemy combatants Due Process instead?

There are more questions, but time constraints would limit the number I could ask.

(c) 2013 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles

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