Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Liberal hypocrisy

The mainstream media (the "MSM") in this country is doing a disservice to its viewing public.  No matter that President Obama was reelected, the way the MSM selected what news to air and how to comment on news was an abomination.

Let's start with the neverending joking about Mitt Romney.  Sure, he was wooden, stiff, somewhat out-of-touch.  But what about the President's gaffes?  The MSM was horrified by his horrible showing in the first debate and almost led cheers to get him back on his game in the subsequent debates.  That he did so isn't too surprising, but what is surprising is how the MSM tried to misrepresent how badly the President acted by claiming that both candidates were rude.  If anyone reviews the tape of the second debate, the President's conduct is deplorable.  That he was never called on it led to him being positively condescending in the final debate, treating Romney like an impertinent teenager. 

The president himself even dodged the wrath of the MSM.  When the Des Moines Regsiter sat down with Obama, he said to the editor of the Register:

I want your endorsement. You'll feel better when you give it.

The White House issued a transcript after the paper publicly complained about the administration's insistence the talk be off the record, but the MSM never picked it up.  This has all the earmarks of a Mafia don seeking protection money from a businessman, yet the MSM let it alone.  Ask yourself whether it would have done so had a Republican uttered those words.

Then there are the lunatic ravings from the Hollyweird set.  Chris Rock joking about how the one perfect white candidate for whom whites could vote was the President himself disrespects whites miserably.  Why was there any need to slam whites like that?  Whites voted in droves for Obama in 2008.  Could it be that whites were dissatisfied with the President's performance over the last four years and wanted an alternative?  No, that couldn't be it.  The answer had to be the old fallback, racism.  And the MSM not only aired Rock's racist joke, it played it up, smiling the whole time. 

The MSM showed every appearance by Bruce Springsteen, Jay-Z, Katy Perry and every other half-wit celebrity who thought him- or herself so thoughtful that they could lecture us on how to vote.  Meanwhile, Romney's celebrities are made to look feeble and old.  The MSM smiled adoringly at the Hollyweird types the President had and commented by not commenting on Romney's.

Then there are the vile comments made by Valerie Jarrett.  Jarrett is a senior advisor to and longtime friend of Obama.  Imagine, if you will, the outcry there'd have been had one of Bush's senior advisors had said this:

After we win this election, it's our turn. Payback time. Everyone not with us is against us and they better be ready because we don't forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve.  There is going to be hell to pay. Congress won't be a problem for us this time. No election to worry about after this is over and we have two judges ready to go."

This barely rated a mention in the MSM.  No one called for her firing.  No one said bupkes.

Then there's the whole Benghazi mess.  The important thing is why it lied about it being a result of a spontaneous demonstration for so long.  The MSM barely reported on it.  Instead, the lone voice in the wilderness was Fox News which, for many people, has zero credibility.  Well, even José Canseco, detestable though he may be, was right about PED's.  Yet the MSM turned a blind eye to the Benghazi affair.  Sure, it will report on it if Congress ever gets in high dudgeon about it, but that may take months.  In the meantime, the election's over.  Would the MSM have done the same thing if the incumbent had been a Republican?  I doubt it.

Now, after the election, we learn -- not from MSM sources, of course -- that some fifty-nine precincts in Philadelphia and nine in Cleveland cast not a single vote for Romney.  How is that even statistically possible?  Assuming, arguendo, that it is, where is the outrage?  Were so many precincts to have been devoid of a single vote for Obama, congressional commissions would be investigating voter fraud, Chris Rock would be accusing whites of racism and the story would be in the news for a month at least while the voting booths were subjected to testing.  Yet this manages only a blip on the national news.

The MSM screams about its rights under the First Amendment and cloaks its mission as being one to serve the public.  How on earth does it serve the public when it so obviously takes sides in a presidential election, especially one as close as this one was, and have such a slanted perspective on its reporting? 

Today come reports of twenty-two seccesionist movements across the country.  Is it any wonder when constitutional values are so easily corrupted to further political goals that some people are fed up?

(c) 2012 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles

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