Tuesday, May 3, 2016

More Hollywood Hypocrisy

By now, news of Will Farrell's misguided but ultimately reversed decision to portray Ronald Reagan suffering from Alzheimer's has been heard by plenty of people.  Either because he was advised properly or he heard the hue and cry from people who've been touched by the wretched disease in their families, Mr. Farrell pulled out of the project, wisely if belatedly. 

It's bad enough to seek humor in someone else's medical misfortune.  Had the mocking been directed at his policies, or his performance as president, or even his lackluster career as an actor, that would be acceptable to most people.  But attacking someone's medical infirmity is not only politically incorrect, it's insensitive, infantile and injurious.

But that's beyond the point of this post.  For as much as everyone pretty much agrees on that subject, few agree on the following subject:  Hollywood wastes little time taking shots at its political opponents.  Say what you will, but Liberal Hollywood is decidedly antagonistic to conservative thought and values.  It never hesitates to mock either.

Imagine, though, all the fertile material that exists coming from the other side of the political aisle that, as yet, has gone unmined.  Unlike the movies attacking Nixon, Bush, Palin and other conservative political personalities, there is a paucity of movies that examine and then either condemn or mock liberal foibles.  The reasons are clear:  One does not bite the hand that feeds it.  And as sure as Hollywood is liberal, it receives untold benefits -- direct or indirect, financial or intangible -- from liberal politicians. 

So to that end, I offer the following suggestions for movies that would be eaten up by the conservative movie-going public:

-- Anthony Weiner:  Can you imagine what a movie would be like based on his failed political career?  Sexting and insulting the media all while married to Cankles aide-de-camp? 

-- The Clintons:  Egads, talk about a motherlode.  Slick Willy and all his affairs.  Slick Willy dumping on candidate Obama.  Whitewater.  The Rose Law Firm.  Vince Foster.  Cankles as a Cubs' Yankees' fan.  Cankles landing under sniper fire.  Cankles defending Slick Willy against his accuser.  Cankles as feckless senator.  Cankles as inefficient Secretary of State with a reset button.  Benghazi.  Cankles crying poor mouth, writing a boring book no one buys.  Cankles whining before Congress during her false testimony.  Cankles' homebrew server.  Cankles lying and taking Bernie Sanders's platform positions.  The Clinton Global Initiative and its money trail.  The way the DNC protects her in the face of Mr. Sanders's primary surge.

--  Eliot Spitzer:  Mr. Law and Order, Spitzer was caught in a prostitution scandal.

--  Al Sharpton:  Although not technically a politician, his involvement as a neighborhood organizer a la President Obama, but without the intelligence.  Tax evasion, race baiting, and false accusations (Tawana Brawley).  They can't find something to parody in a movie???

-- Kwame Kilpatrick:  Ask any Detroiter about this.

-- John Edwards:  He fathered an illegitimate child and his wife died thereafter.  If that isn't tawdry, I don't know what is.  This is tailor made for Lifetime.

--  Antonio Villaraigosa:  This has the ethnic element that Liberals love.  A Latino mayor of a big city has a fling with a sexy reporter who follows him around like a puppy dog.  True love didn't triumph in the end, and it put an end to his political career.  Undaunted, Mr. Villaraigosa had another relationship with another reporter, this time a former beauty queen.  Unfortunately, that ended too

-- Neil Goldschmidt:  Apparently, Mr. Goldschmidt had an affair with a minor back in the 1970's.  Lolita, anyone?

-- Jim McGreevey:  Liberals would love this one.  Mr. McGreevey was married twice -- to women -- before coming out as a gay American and resigning as the governor of New Jersey.  Imagine the empowerment that would provide aggrieved groups.

-- Mel Reynolds:  Another Lolita issue, Mr. Reynolds actually went to jail for his indiscretion.

-- Rahm Emanuel:  Talk about power!  Brother of the influential Hollywood agent Ari Emanuel, the Rahmer is reshaping partisan politics in Illinois as he lays waste to Chicago while seeking to brighten his political star.

-- Brock Adams:   The late Mr. Adams was accused by eight women of sexual harassment, abuse and rape.  Or, a precursor to the Slick Willy era.

-- Barney Frank:  Had an affair with a male prostitute who ran a business out of the congressman's house, which gives new meaning to the phrase cottage industry.

-- Charles Rangel:  Having been accused of evading taxes, Mr. Rangel was censured by the House of Representative.  Not exactly Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.

-- Barack Obama:  The present sacred cow of the Democratic Party, Mr. Obama has a number of doozies for potential scripts:  Releasing Gitmo detainees, apologizing for perceived slights, trading for Bowe Bergdahl, the IRS mess, Obamacare, the AP scandal, immigration, executive orders -- there's plenty of material here.  But it's unlikely anything will ever be made because, to cite Ed Asner, people in Hollywood are afraid of being seen as racist.

-- Sheldon Silver:  The man was just convicted of corruption and sentenced to twelve years in jail at age seventy-two.  The movie could focus on his mentoring fellow prisoners while in jail.

-- Gary Studds:  He only had sex with a teenaged male House page.

-- Wayne Hays:  C'mon, if Huey Long got a movie, this is begging for one.

-- Sam Adams:  The story line of this one is juicy.  A former NFL standout, he because the mayor of Portland and then had a relationship with an eighteen-year-old male intern.

-- Harry Reid:  O' the myriad possibilities.

So Hollywood, stop with the tired Marvel Comics movies, the recycled attacks on conservatives and the stupid attempts to bring back the magic of the Porky's franchise.  There's plenty of material out there and its close to home.  Besides, this is part of the First Amendment.  You have nothing to fear.

What's that you say?  NEA...what's that?

(c) 2016 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles


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