Tuesday, August 12, 2014

More MSM Hypocrisy

Back in 2002 and 2003, the Bush administration used what turned out to be faulty intelligence as its pretext to invade Iraq.  Nevermind that it has sufficient reason to topple the despot who had invaded a peaceful neighbor:  Directing his military to fire upon American and British warplanes that flew over the No-Fly Zone and using chemical weapons against the Kurds would have been reason enough, but President Bush sought to obtain international support to take out the WMD's that his intelligence services vouchsafed were held by the Iraqis.

Although I'm not convinced there weren't WMD's -- I believe they were spirited away to the largely Sunni Syrian regime -- the fact is none were found.  In the aftermath of the revelations that no WMD's were found by the invading Allied forces, the MSM and the Democrats had a field day, accusing the Bush administration of concocting the WMD story to justify the invasion to make up for, in their eyes, the mistake of the father, George H. W. Bush, of not finishing the job in 1991 by removing the Saddam Hussein regime.  Although the notion that, twelve years removed from the event, the son would clean up the father's mess by condemning some four thousand American servicemen to death is ridiculous, the MSM and Democrats feasted on that story all the way to the White House in 2008.  In fact, the present POTUS is blaming President Bush for going into Iraq in the first place and leaving him to clean up that mess.

Were the assertions true, the now-denied movement for impeachment of George Bush would have garnered far more support.

Regardless, what is interesting now is that it would appear from several sources -- although not the MSM or Democrats -- that President Obama denied intelligence reports about the growing threat of ISIS.  In fact, he downplayed the threat, referring to ISIS as the JV team.  In view of recent reports on the depth and depravity of the crimes committed by ISIS in the name of Islam, the POTUS has had to backtrack a bit. This also comes after his declaration that Al Qaeda was on the run, another false conclusion.

Does this hurt the President?  Not a bit.  The MSM is quietly continuing as the POTUS toady, referring to ISIS as Islamic militants or rebels, but not terrorists.  Had this President been confronted by the Nazis, the MSM would have referred to the SS as Boy Scouts.

This is the same MSM that took President Bush to task for prematurely declaring Mission Accomplished, yet it gives the darling of its collective eye a pass on doing the same thing.  At least President Bush defeated the enemy.  This President allowed Al Qaeda to regroup and take the battle elsewhere, namely Syria, where more militant and criminal elements within Al Qaeda formed ISIS, bent on establishing a caliphate within which sharia law would rule.  In its advance on a weakened Iraq, which this President has allowed to founder on its own incompetence, thereby threatening the region and necessarily inviting Iran into the equation, ISIS has relied not only on its battle-hardened troops, an influx of volunteers and the weakness of its enemy, but terror built on beheadings, live burials and rape.  Yet these are the same people the MSM labels only as militants and rebels.  To label them as terrorists would point out just how badly the President underestimated the threat -- and how badly he turned a deaf ear to the intelligence community.

Someday, the MSM is going to wake up and realize how complicit it was in hurting this country.

I just hope they do it while there's still a country left.

(c) 2014  The Truxton Spangler Chronicles

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