Wednesday, June 12, 2013

More questions

I've got nothing today.  No pressing national crisis to address, no personal foible to expose.  I guess I'm just going to ask questions that have me confuddled today.

How is it people get paid for the inanities that appear on the television and movie screens?  I'm no critic, but there are some things that just reek.  Everytime I see How I Met Your Mother, I wonder who it was that greenlighted the thing to waste the limitless talents of Neil Patrick Harris.

Why can't people get gut-wrenching and heartrending straight?

Is it all right for news anchors to vote?

How does a publisher know what manuscript will be a bestseller?

Why is there no hockey team whose team colors are black and kelly green with grey, white and silver piping?

How does someone win the lottery multiple times without cheating?

Speaking of cheating, why do Europeans think flopping isn't cheating?

How can anyone like the smell of cooked eggs?

Who decided it would be a good idea to test porcine intestinal mucosa (heparin) or rat mucosa (coumadin) for human usage?

Who decided it was a hashtag and no longer a pound sign?

Can anyone pronounce Chiwetel Ejiofor without looking it up?

Why have the Brits apologized for black slavery but not said one word about what they did to the Irish?

Why is it that when I'm driving, the bug always collides with my windshied directly in my line of sight?

Just how many things does a person need to be able to do with a cellphone?

Why doesn't Custer break my skin when he nibbles on my wrist bone?

Aren't engineers being taught how to write in English anymore?

Why is it always such a pain to format things in Word?

Is it possible to enjoy spicy food even if my olfactory sense is off?

Can autumn get here faster and just bypass the heat and humidity of summer?

Why do so many people like Jay-Z and Kanye West?

For that matter, why do so many people care about the Kardashians?

(c) 2013 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles

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