Sunday, September 17, 2023

The Jose Canseco Effect and the Truth

It would seem any time an allegation is made that is injurious to the Left's cause or one of its darlings, it is immediately called into question.  Either the story is ridiculed as Russian disinformation, or the story is labeled a fabrication, or the source of the story is assailed and pilloried, or it's a combination of all three.  It's almost a knee-jerk reaction any time something surfaces that reflects badly on the Left, one of its cherished members or one of its platform issues.

Typically, if reporting is from any right-wing news organ, it's automatically deemed propaganda.  Cankles' infamous declaration of a vast right-wing conspiracy has given birth to numerous variations of this theme, and Leftist PACs dedicate infinite time and money to trying to destroy the allegations.  Sometimes, these counterattacks have merit.  Many times, as we've seen recently, they are utterly meritless.  Almost always, doubt is cast on the source of the story or the reporting agency, either of which has an agenda that is divorced from reality, according to the Left.

This is especially try if either Donald Trump or Fox News brings to light a story about questionable Leftist conduct.  As if on cue, various Leftist outlets descry the story as Russian disinformation, madness from Mr. Trump or figments of the Right's imagination.

Years ago, a baseball player named Jose Canseco wrote a book called Juiced, in which he outed himself and other players for using PEDs.  The book and its author were roundly dismissed, largely because Canseco, himself a lout, was viewed with great disfavor for his extra-curricular activities.  In truth, Canseco was hard to believe, since he engaged in clownish behavior and sought endless publicity for himself.  This was later borne out with his failed attempts at boxing, MMA and wrestling.

The odd thing, however, is that Canseco was telling the truth.  Several very successful fellow players were later forced to admit that they used PEDs after denying using them repeatedly.  Canseco reputation never rebounded, despite the fact that he was vindicated.

The phrase don't kill the messenger is widely known, attributed to Sophocles in his play Antigone:  For no man delights in the bearer of bad news.  Yet, instead of killing the messenger, the Left discredits, deplatforms and dismisses the messenger, especially if it's Donald Trump or Fox News. 

Now, however, the Left is eating massive amounts of crow.  Whether it be reports about the criminal family enterprise known as the Bidens, or the endless idiocy of the Harridan of Blair House, or Man of Dementia's worrisome mental decline, or the state of the southern border, the Left -- through its organ the MSM -- is now forced to admit that not only are these stories true, they are cataclysmically true.  The Left dances a fine line trying to admit that stories are true after poo-pooing them, while at the same time defending their paladins from blame.  It's quite laughable, were it not so blatantly false.  Had someone on the Left had the testicular fortitude to admit that either Mr. Trump or the Right may have been right, the contortions in which they were engaged would be unnecessary.

Canseco is largely relegated to history and carnival shows nowadays.  The same will not happen with Mr. Trump, no matter how hard the Left tries to sideline him.  This is yet another instance where Mr. Trump has been horribly mistreated.

He is deserving of an apology.

(c) 2023 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles


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