Sunday, February 19, 2023

Questions I Would Ask the MSM

In my mind, the MSM is the biggest threat to freedom and our Republic.  Nevermind the two major political parties.  The MSM is the mouthpiece of the Left and has its own agenda that it will further under the guise of the First Amendment and freedom of the press.  Try as it might to argue that it's impartial and objective, the vast majority of Americans understand that that's not true.

To that end, I've often wondered what it would be like to have members of the MSM forced to answer questions under oath, under penalty of perjury, with jail sentences awarded to those who perjure themselves.  Add to that a real judge who could force the witness MSM members to answer questions and not dodge them, as they are wont to do, and televise it during prime time.  I do believe that such a spectacle would be the highest rate television program of all time.

So here are some questions that I would like posed in my hypothetical, knowing full well that I'll never live to see the day that a member of the MSM will testify, honestly, and answer these questions:

--  Given the obvious proof of your partisanship, how can you still call yourselves journalists?

--  Do you see any parallels with what you do and what Josef Goebbels did?

--  Do you think you should return any and all awards received for the Russia collusion hoax story?

--  Do you agree with Lester Holt's statement that both sides of an issue no longer need to be aired?  Explain.

--  Is there an incestuous relationship between the MSM and the Democratic Party?

--  Can you explain how virtually every major network -- CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC -- uses the same phrase when attacking or defending against conservatives?

--  Do you believe that Kyle Rittenhouse is a murderer?  Explain your reasoning.

--  Did Nicholas Sandman act in a racist manner or was there a rush to judgment?

--  Why did you help bury the Hunter Biden laptop story?

--  Explain what CRT is and why it is useful?

--  Do you believe Edward R. Murrow would be happy with what he sees in journalism today?

--  Is it the role of the press to shape public discourse and determine who our leaders are?  Explain.

--  Are half-truths and full omissions now acceptable in reporting?

--  Should journalists be liable for lying or misreporting stories to the public?

(c) 2023 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles

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