Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Democratic Circus

Well, no matter how hard we try, they keep reeling us back in.  Yes, we're in the run-up to the 2020 general election, and the Democrats have had their first in a series of debates that are supposed to winnow down the football-team sized field to a more manageable few.  How that's going to work with all the jesters running for election being asked questions by pundits who are horribly biased is unclear.  Regardless, the unintentional comedic value is accordingly very high.

Already, Eric Swalwell, the erstwhile congressman from California by way of Iowa who looks and acts more like a candidate for a My Three Sons reboot than a serious presidential contender has dropped out.  His only contribution, contrary to what he asserts about raising the collective consciousness about gun control, is getting the death stare from South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg when he asked him why he didn't fire the police chief. 

Kamala Harris attacked Joe Biden on his race record, Bernie Sanders disappeared and someone named Marianne Williamson had a Kumbaya moment. 

Apparently, CNN, who is televising the next debate, in its infinite lack of wisdom, will allow the electorate to vote on who should debate whom at the next installment of this farce.  Intent on turning this mess into a free-for-all, noted opinionator Don Lemon will be part of the moderating crew.  Let the pandering commence.

The New York Post, I think it was, published a front page with a photo of one of the first two rounds of candidates with their hands raised (in answer to the question as to who was willing to extend health care to illegals) with the headline Who Wants to Lose to Trump?  I'm not totally on board with the notion that the President will win the next election in a runaway, given how voter fraud is a staple in the Democratic playbook, but it's hard to imagine what right-thinking people would elect one of these kooks who want to turn this into Venezuela North when the economy is doing gangbusters.   

As for immigration, the same people who refused to fund border protection because there was no crisis have now done an about face and are crying to the heavens that there is a crisis.  Alexandra Ocasio-Cortes, the seemingly clueless attention whore who will say anything as long as it fits with her agenda regardless of accuracy, descried that aliens were being forced to drink out of toilets, unaware of the set up that had sinks attached behind and well above the toilets themselves.  Almost every presidential candidate thinks those aliens who violate our immigration laws should not face prosecution and deportation, that they should be given free health care (which Americans, under Obamacare, could be fined for not having) and free educations.  Ironically, the chief proponent of this largesse, Bernie Sanders, has largely been marginalized, barely rating after the initial debate. 

It's hard to imagine which of these fools will give the President a run for his money in the general election.  Those in the know think it will be Kamala Harris.  On demographics alone, she well could be.  Her problem is skeletons in the closet.  Bernie's simply too nuts, Elizabeth Warren is too scattered and Uncle Joe is both too creepy, too old and too white.  It's possible, I suppose, for one of the also-rans to make a move.  Politics is a weird game, and depending on future events, it's possible for one of them to come out of the woodwork.  But with their base split between radicals and apologists, with people leaving the party for a President who, admittedly, can be his own worst enemy at times, and with a thriving economy, it's hard to imagine one of them taking the White House away.

Better that they focus on 2024 when the race will be wide open.

(c) 2019 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles

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