Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Craziness Abounds

Everywhere I turn, something crazier than the last crazy thing I witnessed pops up.  It's gotten to the point that I don't believe a word I read or hear and almost choose to wait until history books are written on the subject so that I can get a more accurate picture of what I witnessed.  Of course, that's fraught with peril as well, because revisionist historians can skew facts through clever editorial choices to paint a different picture.

Where to start?

People are up in arms about the Christmas song Baby It's Cold Outside calling for radio stations to cease playing it because of, in their minds, its oversexualized overtones.  First, I disagree with this completely.  Second, one has to put the song in the context of the era in which it was written.  But third, why is this song villified when rap songs with far greater graphic passages are allowed on the air with no complaint from this group?  Why are those songs not facing protest in the name of the defense of women?  For people to get worked up over this mystifies me.

Next, let's take a look at the border situation.  The caravans from Central America have made it to our southern border...much to Mexico's, and specifically, Tijuana's, consternation.  Mexico, and particularly Tijuana, are now getting a taste of what the United States gets when thousands upon thousands of illegal aliens take up camp in a country where they don't belong.  But now it's gotten even more absurd:  Members of the caravan have offered to return to their countries of origin if the United States pays each of them $50,000.00 and agrees to end deportations of illegals in our country.  This is after a group of them filed suit in U.S. District Court claiming their constitutional rights were violated while they were in their home countries and Mexico.

President Trump met with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer in the Oval Office yesterday.  The POTUS invited the media to film the encounter.  The Democrats wanted to negotiate in private.  The President said no.  There then ensued words in which Senator Schumer remined the President that elections have consequences.  The President then responded that Republicans took seats in Indiana and North Dakota.  Schumer later said that if the President was bragging about winning seats in Indiana and North Dakota, he's in big trouble.  I'm quite sure those soundbites are being ginned up for the 2020 elections.

Kevin Hart was tapped to host the Oscars.  Then some homophobic comments he made years ago were made public.  So he backed out.  Kyler Murray won the Heisman over the weekend.  The USA Today quickly published homophobic tweets he made when he was in his teens.  He hasn't given the trophy back.  Yet.

A rather heavy-set woman from Kentucky wowed the audience on The Voice.  She may not have had the best voice, but she clearly had one of the top three.  She didn't make the top three.

Protests have broken out in France over taxes that were levied on gasoline to pay for Green initiatives.  The protests have since spread to other issues.  This in the home of the Paris Accords.

The U.K. is in a political form of coitus interruptus.  It can't decide whether to follow through with Brexit or lump the whole thing.  Meanwhile, Ireland's left hanging, because if the U.K. Brexits, then there's a need for a hard border between the Republic and the rest of Ireland.  Yet the Brits declare the Irish are the ones who don't get it.

Democrats are licking their chops at the prospect of impeaching or, after his tenure ends, indicting the President, even though there are more pressing matters and he's done nothing to justify either impeachment or indictment.  Meanwhile, gas prices are nearing their lowest in ten years.

Office holiday parties are being cancelled due to concerns of sexual harrassment of women.

Wildfires have destroyed miles of California land and killed over one hundred people  If there's rain that could lead to mudslides in the areas denuded of trees.  Yet Californians continue to live there.

That wingbat socialist congresswoman from New York continues to prove once again that stupid is as stupid says.

The FBI is facing a massive investigation over its investigative practices of the President and Cankles.  The trouble is:  Who's going to investigate the FBI?

Conservatives are having a meltdown over the fact that Justices Roberts and Kavanaugh sided with the more liberal members of the Court in the Planned Parenthood case.  This is further proof that civilians have little clue how the Court operates.

China is backing down on the tariffs it places on American goods, yet the Democrats want the President removed.


(c)  The Truxton Spangler Chronicles 2018 

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