Thursday, September 13, 2018

The Alternative

Those of us who voted for President Trump have been vilified by the Left for our vote.  We've been called all manner of names, had our intelligence and sanity questioned -- not to mention our patriotism -- and been relegated to a status just below that of the noble earthworm.  Because there are some unsavory people that support the President, we are guilty by association.  Never mind that every president is supported by people from the margins; in this case, as Cankles infamously declared, we all come from the same basket of deplorables.

For the purposes of this post, I'm willing to stipulate -- only for the purposes of discussion -- that some of the charges against the President are true.  That he's a philanderer who uses coarse language and isn't a politician I'll admit.  Sometimes he equivocates.  But he hasn't put anyone in concentration camps, isn't a racist and hasn't guided the country any closer to war than his predecessors.  Still, for the opposition, he's the anti-Christ.

My question, though, to those who so hate our president is What was the alternative?  In their eyes, Cankles was the embodiment of all that was hopeful and good -- the female Obama, as it were.  Yet, as we're discovering with Obama, not all is as it seemed.

First, Cankles never had a single achievement that benefited the nation or, for that matter, any of the states she called home.  As senator, I'm unaware of a single law of any consequence that she authored or championed -- either by herself or in concert with another legislator -- that helped anyone.  Her entire political career was about gaining the spotlight, training it on herself and making herself attractive to the electorate.  .

But she also engaged in activities that, if not directly harmful to the Republic, certainly didn't further its cause.  Notoriously, she got four men killed in the consulate in Benghazi, Libya...and then lied about it.  She acted truculently when testifying, asking What does it matter? She referred to those voters who opposed her as deplorables, thereby alienating half the electorate.  She cleared the way for Russia to buy military-grade uranium.  She allowed people access to the country in exchange for donations to the CGI -- the Clinton Global Initiative -- that many have deemed to be bribes.  The CGI was later found to have received donations from countries that are openly hostile to women and members of the LGBTQ community -- people whom Cankles claims to champion.  She ran a homebrewed server out of her house and funneled her official emails thtrough this server, thereby jeopardizing the security of this country.  All the while she defended her actions, brushing them off as though they were part of a vast, right-wing conspiracy that she derided when she and her serial rapist husband Slick Willy occupied the White House.  She and Slick Willy then made boatloads of money after leaving the White House (and stealing from it) but claimed they were dead broke.  Then again, she also claimed to have come under sniper fire in Sarajevo, a widely derided claim that was easily debunked by video evidence of her deplaning in then-Yugoslavia.

She also defended that man when allegations were brought by not one but several women of improprieties ranging from mere indiscretions to rape, vilifying the accusers and deriding their accusations.  This from a woman who claims to champion women.  Her thirst for glory knows no bounds.

In short, she's a vainglorious do-nothing who uses her elevated platforms to promote herself under the guise of doing things for other people.  Were she actually effective, there might be some things people can point to as her accomplishments, but when challenged to name any, her supporters can simply point to her elected positions as accomplishments.  Being named class president doesn't mean anything other than that a person won a popularity contest.

President Trump, on the other hand, managed a successful business, warts and all.  He ain't perfect, and many of us who voted for him will readily concede that.  Yet, he's at least one thing she ain't:  She's not a career politician whose only goal is self-enrichment.  President Trump, who was born with silver spoon in his mouth, knows how to treat the hoi polloi.  Cankles, who came from the hoi polloi, acts like she wants to put as much distance between her and it as she can -- while using the very people she detests to help her do it.  And yet her fawning supporters still cry of her horrific campaign loss because it denied her the (inevitable) result of being the first female president of the United States.

So I renew the question: What was the alternative?  A narcissistic career politician who did nothing for the people whom she represented and made herself rich off their backs married to a serial rapist whom she defended to assure her political ascension? 

I'll take President Trump over that any day of the week.

Hell, I'd have taken the devil over that.

(c) 2018 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles

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