Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Hollywood and the Inauguration

It's almost here.  January 20, 2017, is the date on which eight years of mediocrity ends and a new administration takes over the country.  Glory, glory Hallelujah.

Of course, that perspective is in the distinct minority, if one listens to the proclamations coming out of Hollywood.  To hear them tell it, the world is ending on January 20.  That's right, the Mayans had it all wrong:  When Donald Trump takes the oath of office, the world is coming to an end.

Anxious to prevent the world from ending, Hollywood is mobilizing because, as we all know, Hollywood is so adept at making the right choices come to life.  It's never wrong, it's beyond reproach.  Because people who play make believe for a living are more qualified than the rest of us to determine what's best for us, what's best for the country and what's best for the world.

As we near January 20, the protests and outcries are ramping up.  Meryl Streep used the Golden Globes as a platform to audition for the remake of Joan of Arc (whenever that's made).  A group of concerned citizens actors recited or sang lines to Gloria Gaynor's I Will Survive as they emoted for the cameras.  Luminaries such as Rosie O'Donnell and Michael Moore are trying to stop the inauguration.  It's all so worrisome that production in Hollywood must have come to a halt considering how many ad hoc PSA's these folks are making.

A week ago Kerry Washington took this hysteria to a different level, averring that I was in the Obama administration and that less than a quarter of the country voted for the President elect.  I had to reread the article a couple of times to make sure I'd read it correctly.  First of all, I wasn't aware that she was ever in the Obama administration.  I know her leanings and her activism on his behalf, but I was unaware that she gave up making a dopey show and became a politician in real life.  I checked her Wiki page but couldn't come up with anything other than her participation on a couple of program's boards.  An online search also proved fruitless for proof that the self-important Ms. Washington was in fact in the Obama administration.

More troubling, from a Common Core perspective, is her assertion that Mr. Trump received less than a quarter of the electorate's vote.  I suppose that's true in a vacuum, but the unspoken assertion is that his opponent, Cankles, received more than a quarter.  And although that may be true, mathematically, she barely received more of the popular vote -- barely over a quarter of the electorate -- with nearly three quarters of the country choosing not to vote for her.  This implied landslide in favor of Cankles just won't wash; moreover, it ignores the Electoral College entirely.  Smoke and mirrors, people, make believe.  That's what these people do.

So as the gnashing of teeth, rending of garments and tearing out of hair builds toward its expected apogee this Friday, remember that the people leading this see themselves as heirs of the Lauren Bacalls, the Charlton Hestons, the Humphrey Bogarts and other actors who defied a real demon, Joe McCarthy.  They think that just because they inhabit Hollywood, they are imbued with knowledge the rest of us can't possess.  Their views are the correct ones; the views of us who support the PEOTUS (I love that acronym!) must either rise up and sing La Marseillaise at a barricade or sit in our homes with the doors and windows shut, truly deplorable. 

Let them have their tragedy.  Let them have their agony.

I'll pop more popcorn and put my feet up.

This will be the first inauguration I'll actually watch.

(c) 2017 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles

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