Monday, January 26, 2015



I have questions.

To wit:

-- How do dogs decide which leg is to be lifted when they pee?  Is one leg better than the other?

-- Is all of Corporatelandia full of automatons now?

--  There is a theory that there's a conspiracy to reduce gas prices to ruin the American gas industry, but considering how much trouble Russia is going through with the reduction in gas prices, isn't it possible that the conspiracy targeted Russia and not the United States?

-- Are there really people that stupid that think that Paul McCartney's collaboration with Kanye West is going to put a turbo boost to Mr. McCartney's career?  Can they really be that ignorant?

--  Why is it that when I want something bad it means that I want it a lot?

-- How come I know about Sting and Stewart Copeland but have no clue what the name of the third bandmember of The Police is?

-- Who decided that wearing a pinkie ring was fashionable?

--  Why are tough, through, though and thought pronounced differently despite the fact that there are only two letters of difference between them?

--  If Hollywood is exclusive because it shuns conservatives, can the same argument be had against country music because it's devoid of liberals?

--  Who thought it was a wise idea to crack open an egg, cook it and eat it?

-- Who decided that blondes have more fun than redheads?

-- Am I a racist if I think Bill Cosby did those things of which he's accused or a chauvinist if I don't think he did them?

-- What would happen if a Christian living in a Muslim country complained that a certain activity offended his or her religious beliefs?

--  Likewise, if I move to a South or Central American country, will the populace accommodate me by learning English so I don't have to speak Spanish?

--  Will actors and actresses be reminded of their idiotic political views when they're in their dotage?

-- Why can't some people learn the difference between they're, their and there, or it's and its?

--  Churchill may have been a great wordsmith, but when are people going to learn about his abject racism?

--  What on earth is the Obama administration's foreign policy?

-- In a similar vein, what possessed the President to thumb his nose at the new Congress in the State of the Union address?

--  How can people believe an administration that is routinely shown to be using cheap tricks to make its political arguments?

--  Am I the only man who thinks that Kate Upton is overrated?

--  Just where is the report on Bowe Bergdahl?  For that matter, where are the reports on the Department of Justice investigation into the Ferguson, Missouri shootings?  Or does the MSM only report the news with which it agrees?

--  What is up with the overuse of exclamation marks?

-- Just what is sustainable bilingualism, anyway?  Can someone die from it?  Is it a renewable resource that doesn't pollute the environment?

--  Unless one is from these places, does anyone know how to pronounce Faneuil Hall and the Schuylkill River?

(c) 2015 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles

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