Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Kirsten Powers, Kickstarter and Liberal Intolerance

Kirsten Powers, a noted liberal pundit, recently exploded against her fellow liberals with a scathing column in the USA Today in which she complained about liberal mob rule.  Specifically, she raised the issue related to a group called Kickstarter, which is described as the nation's biggest crowd-funding site, that refused to accept a film about convicted murder and abortionist Kermit Gosnell unless certain graphic passages describing how the abortions were carried out, e.g., by stabbing the babies in the back of their heads with scissors and then sucking out their brains.  Apparently, this is too much for the liberal-minded people at Kickstarter.

Kickstarter demurred because the film's depiction of the murders didn't meet with its standards.  I'm not fully versed with the standards, but according to Ms. Powers, they seek to enforce a culture of respect and consideration.  Language used is to be specifically modified.

There's only one problem with this: Kickstarter applies its standards selectively, one might say capriciously. This leads to the great liberal mantra to be repeated:  Do as we say, not as we do.

Other projects that Kickstarter accepted include an album by a group called Rachel Please entitled Incest is the Highest Form of Flattery.  I'm too lazy to seek out the lyrics, but the title alone hardly seems to agree with the notion of a culture of respect and consideration, or language that is specifically modified.  The page supporting the album lauds the artists and their music and says that I want Rachel (the group) to be done up right and we'll stop at nothing to make sure that this album is in the stores, on the charts and in the airwaves....  Supporting a group that either advocates incest or embraces a lurid saying related to incest is inimical to Kickstarter's rules.

Another project that it supports is a film called Die Sluts Die!  That would seem to speak for itself.  Again, Kickstarter has no difficulty with this project.

The last project supported by Kickstarter that Ms. Powers cites is called After Tiller, a movie that examines four abortionists after the murder of Dr. George Tiller, an abortionist.  Ms. Powers describes this project:

...a hagiography of the abortionists who took over when Wichita doctor George Tiller was murdered.  The film presumably doesn't belabor the process of late-term abortion, where babies are often stabbed in the neck with scissors and the contents of their skulls suctioned out.  One wouldn't want to violate Kickstarter's culture of respect and consideration.  Or provide factual information.

Like the MSM, liberal groups say one thing and do whatever their fancy tells them to do.  Kickstarter supports art projects, but only selectively applies its standards to determine which projects it chooses.  The MSM editorializes more than it reports, choosing not the stories that are most important but the ones it deems are most important.  This pro-choice attitude stems from an intolerance for anything with which it has a disagreement.  The disagreement stems from a fear that, if the opposite view were widely shared, the liberal viewpoint would lose adherents and therefore power.  At the core of this fear is an acknowledgement, perhaps tacit, that the position held by liberals is intrinsically wrong.  But an inherently incorrect position can be glossed over in the search for acceptance, power and lifestyle.  This is something that the Left has mastered.

Anytime the Left is confronted by criticisms, it wraps itself in the Bill of Rights and proclaims its unfettered right to free speech...the very thing it denies to opposing views.  Yet, when the opposing view finds a have, such as the movie Honor Diaries, the Left descries the right of its opponents to publish that viewpoint, resting its arguments on spurious supports that are nothing more than rotted totems.  And yet the majority in this country allows it to happen.

Perhaps I'm getting too old.  Perhaps my youthful enthusiasm for participation in this countries civic affairs has atrophied with my muscles.  Yet me experience and my studies advise me that I'm not entirely wrong, that what I perceive is not right and that Alexander Hamilton was right more than two hundred years ago when he feared how the Constitution would rend apart the nation he labored so hard to build with the other Founding Fathers.

I only pray that before it's too late right-minded liberals like Ms. Powers wake up, realize the error of their ways and allow truly free speech.

(c) 2014 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles

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