Well, the midterms went as most people expected, although the Republicans seem to have done better than some pundits thought they would. The anticipated gnashing of teeth, rending of garments and overall wailing has begun, which was also expected. What wasn't expected, however, is the amount of delirious spin that is coming from the Left. It's as if institutionalized cognitive dissonance is the new policy in Democratic circles.
The shock of the results surprises me. Either liberals were lying when they thought their candidates would actually prevail in the races or they were delusional thinking that the series of missteps by the administration and their candidates' support for the administration wouldn't hurt them with voters. Ironically, there were also plenty of mistakes made by Democratic candidates that hearkened back to mistakes made by conservative candidates in the 2013 election that were damaging to their causes. Belittling women, race baiting and outright lies about their opponents didn't help them woo voters. Republicans, on the other hand, minded their p's and q's and outperformed their liberal opponents.
Yet, with the results staring them in the face, chief wingnut Harry Reid tried to spin the midterms as evidence that the results indicated that the voters want politicians to work together. This from the man who refused to put up for debate bills passed by the Republican-controlled House and who maneuvered the change in the filibuster rules in the Senate. Did the country just come to the idea that politicians should work together, and that prior to the midterms they were happy with the status quo as directed by Reid and Nancy Pelosi? It's an insult to our collective intelligence that this man is trying to misconstrue the results of the elections as something other than what it is: A repudiation of how liberals were running the country. Had Mr. Obama been up for reelection this time, I'm convinced he would have been defeated, charges of racism be damned.
The President, meanwhile, described himself as irritated by the results. He says he looks forward to working with Republicans in a bipartisan fashion, but we'll see. He's already signaled his intention to use executive orders to get what Congress won't approve. That may spur litigation on constitutional matters that haven't been before the Supreme Court since the days of FDR's court packing attempts in the 1930's. Either way, Mr. Obama, who infamously told Democratic candidates to say whatever they had to say to get elected, even if they didn't mean it, is talking out of both sides of his mouth. He has no intention of undoing anything that he's done and likewise no intention of doing anything to which he's opposed, no matter what the Congress says. Since the Congress is comprised of people duly elected by citizens of the United States, the Presidents is implicitly saying that he knows better than the people of country and will not brook opposition to his vision.
And to think that even his golf game was trashed by Michael Jordan last week...
(c) 2014 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles
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