Benghazi. The IRS. The Bowe Bergdahl swap. The NSA mess. Fast and Furious. Race baiting. The AP scandal. The Rosen affair. The Secret Service mess. Obamacare. Now we have Grubergate.
Jonathan Gruber, one of the principal architects of Obamacare, has been caught on tape mocking the American people as stupid and unthinking -- my words -- and explaining how the bill was rammed through in the middle of the night to get it passed. It's not as if there's only one video out there, either: There are several different videos of him at conferences over the last two years basically making fun of the American people for not questioning the bill enough.
As if that weren't insulting enough, the White House and the then-majority leader of the House, Nancy Pelosi, are in full cognitive dissonance mode, the former characterizing Gruber as some advisor and the latter disclaiming any knowledge of who he is. Both stances are not only incredible but laughable, as other liberals have referred to Gruber as The Man behind Obamacare, reports have surfaced that he was paid at least $392,000 for his work on the project and Pelosi is on video gushing about Gruber's expertise.
All of this is fairly settled. Video doesn't lie, unless the NSA or CIA has somehow altered the content. But these videos are from news outlets supportive of the President and is initiatives. They've been carrying his water for six long years. It's incomprehensible that they've turned on him and doctored these tapes.
No, what's worrisome is that there is still a large segment of the population -- including most in the MSM -- for whom the President and his minions can do no wrong. The MSM won't even report on the Gruber leaks, ignoring a story that should be creating a firestorm of protest in their ranks. Hellbent on protecting Jamie Foxx's lord and savior, they turn a blind eye when reports like this surface because, probably, the revelation would indirectly indict them as well.
As much as Fox News and other outlets have reported the story, there doesn't seem to be a groundswell of anger from the electorate. These revelations -- combined with the stories we already have about the NSA, the IRS, Benghazi, the Bergdahl swap, the Secret Service affair, the AP matter, Fast and Furious and countless other pecadillos -- should cause people to be outraged. There is a segment of the country that is outraged, but other parts that are either resigned to the status quo or defiantly defensive of this President, all of which proves Plato had it right when he criticized democracy centuries before the Founding Fathers created the greatest experiment in human history. That experiment has been tainted as never before, and thanks in large measure to the MSM, the country is apathetic to an alarming degree.
Although not exactly equivalent, when Watergate happened, intrepid reporters dug for the facts and openly defied White House threats in reporting its misdeeds. The same happened in the Pentagon Papers. Now, the MSM is the functional equivalent of the Three Wise Monkeys.
The Fourth Estate has brought disgrace to itself and to the country. Blame Mr. Obama as well, but he should have been held accountable by the MSM.
(c) 2014 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles
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