Instead, the Democrats seem to have taken leave of what little sense with which they were born. Most worrisome, for Democrats as well as their constituents, is that fact that at least two of the three examples cited herein involve officials in leadership roles. The amazing thing about these statements is that the people saying them and to whom others look up as pillars of democracy have got to know that what they're saying is simply false. There are public relations people that don't have the chutzpah to lie as brazenly as these elected officials do.
We begin with the irrepressible Harry Reid. Infamous for making comments on a par with those made by his brother-by-another-mother E. Gordon Gee, the disgraced former president of Ohio State University --
Mr. Reid suggested during the last presidential campaign that Mitt Romney hadn't pay taxes. Then he assailed the conservative Koch brothers as being un-American. When confronted with the fact that liberal billionaire Tom Steyer was donating to liberal causes at roughly the same rate as the Koch brothers, Reid lauded Mr. Steyer's Americanism. How he said this with a straight face is beyond me and indicative that Mr. Reid is as crooked as a slithering snake.
Not to let the boys outdo her, Nancy Pelosi leapt into the Hobby Lobby ruling controversy by recasting the narrow and limited ruling as one outlawing contraceptives for women. Nevermind that the SCOTUS took great pains to limit its ruling to preventing closely held corporations from having to fund abortifacients in direct conflict with their religious views, nevermind that Hobby Lobby pays for three quarters of contraceptive coverage in health plans, nevermind that the SCOTUS refused to address slippery slope issues that it admits are on the horizon, Ms. Pelosi saw fit to completely misconstrue the ruling, for which she was taken to task in a brisk two-and-a-half minute debunking by Megyn Kelly, a trained attorney:
Within the last week, a wannabe national legislator slammed erroneous reports that Republicans were seeking to impeach the President by claiming that Democrats never saw fit to impeach George Bush despite the fact that, in her opinion, he committed much worse during his terms. Unfortunately for Sheila Jackson-Lee and fortunately for the American public, there are such things as Congressional Records and video tape. Ms. Jackson-Lee was one of twelve co-sponsors of House resolution to impeach Mr. Bush --
If Ms. Jackson-Lee's goal is to join the ranks of transparently deceptive liars such as Mr. Reid and Ms. Pelosi, she's laying the groundwork for a successful application in that club. If she's trying to dispel the notion that she had anything to do with a Democratic effort to impeach President Bush, she's not succeeding.
Cankles? I don't have enough bandwith to cover her versions of reality.
These four, of course, are trumped by the Liar-In-Chief, who promised a transparent administration only to impose the most opaque in modern history and promised that the American people could keep their doctors and their insurance plans. His false comments were buttressed and explained by a junior liar Jay Carney, who often sneered as he repeated the lies his boss told. And the MSM, large segments of the population and the Hollywood elite continued to support him and make excuses for him.
By no means is this phenomenon limited to liberals. Since they've held power, however, they seem to have assumed that since they are in power, liberals are free to do or say whatever they like no matter how outrageous. I don't remember such outrageous acts when the conservatives were in power -- the search for WMD's was based on flawed intelligence -- although they may have. No matter how flawed the reasoning, no matter how compelling the evidence against the statements, the liberals persist in spinning their messages for public consumption via a thoroughly compliant MSM.
Beware, conservatives: When your turn in power comes around, it would behoove you to behave differently. No matter how unfair it would be, the American public's tolerance with such shenanigans is wearing thin, and any similar attempts by you to repeat what liberals are doing might be met with a far sterner response.
(c) 2014 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles
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