Monday, August 4, 2014

Monday Musings Return

Lately some questions have come to mind that have me pondering minutiae in the universe.  None of this is really deep, but I wanted to put it down so I could revisit it later if I ever get an acceptable answer to any of it:

--  With the recent movie on Franki Valli and the Four Seasons, I wonder if it ever occurred to anyone how weird it was for Valli was singing Walk Like A Man with his incredible falsetto.

--  I can only imagine what Travolta was thinking, but what in the world was Olivia Newto-John thinking when she agreed to participate in this monstrosity?

--  Maggie Gyllenhall is hurt?  Wahhhhhhhhh....

--  Is it unreasonable for an outfit that specializes in communications to be able to communicate internally about a customer's account such that the customer doesn't have to repeat his information each time he's transferred to a new department within the company?

--  Will the Democrats stop at nothing in their bid to rescue the midterms?

--  Can anyone explain the wild fluctuation of gas prices to me?

--  Is the summer schedule of television offerings almost over?

--  What is a Shia Labeouf anyway?

-- Is it still impolitic to refer to it as Indian Summer?

--  Instead of going after sugared drinks, why aren't legislators going after diet drinks that have chemicals whose effects on the human body doctors admit they don't fully understand?

--  Why don't more municipalities put road construction projects on during the nights and not during the days?

--  What does the public have against chocolate chip ice cream that they have to bastardize it with mint, cookie dough and chocolate ice cream?

--  Is the vampire/zomibie cycle of movie antagonists about over yet?

-- Liberals and their supporters are infamous for calling it Faux News.  What do they make of that laughing stock MSNBC, which has had such luminaries as Al Sharpton, Melissa Lewis-Perry, Alec Baldwin and Martin Bashir, who notoriously suggested that someone defecate in Sarah Palin's mouth?

--  Why would anyone willingly pay to attend preseason football games?

--  Paul George, meet Kevin Ware.  Both of you meet Joe Theisman.

--  Since when was Geraldo Rivera relevant?

-- Does anyone know where my batteries and charger are for my weed wacker?  I really need 'em.

(c) 2014 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles

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