It's Opening Day in baseball, at least in this town, so I'm not going to focus on any one thing as I listen to the game on the radio. Instead, it's going to be short reactions to stories in the news and odds and ends from the weekend:
-- The FLOTUS went to China with her daughters. I don't begrudge her and them that trip, as I think it's a wonderful opportunity for them. But could they just lighten the golf trips to Hawaii while people are struggling to comply with Obamacare?
-- For once, I may actually pay attention to the mid-term elections. This could be fun.
-- I don't know where flight 370 is and at this point I no longer care. We had three citizens on that plane, and we've dedicated more than enough resources to finding it. The Chinese have many more people on that flight, it's closer to them and they own our debt. Let them find the darned thing.
-- So Piers Morgan went out defiantly last week. Good riddance. This is what happens when you put a yappy, snobby, self-absorbed know-it-all Brit in charge of discussions about American culture.
-- Meanwhile, Bill Maher had a surprise segment on racism and how kneejerk reactions are often wrong. It's either a full moon phase or Earth is spinning off its axis.
-- Nick Cannon appeared on something called Instagram in whiteface to promote some project. Reacting to criticism of the move, Mr. Cannon said there's a difference between humor and oppression. Apparently, blacks can decide for whites what's offensive, but white's can't find something humorous that could offend blacks. I feel a blogpost on double standards coming.
-- I'm not sure which Redbox offering was more confusing: the latest Thor installment or The Counselor.
-- Aaron Burr was a genuine jackass.
-- Never was I happier to have a faulty olfactory sense than yesterday when I picked up thirty pounds of bulldog ordure left over from our long winter.
-- While in Costco Saturday, some guy actually tried to run me over with a shopping cart. I'm not sure if that made me madder than the same problem I have finding parking at that store, but someone almost had a problem that required a trip to the hospital, and it wasn't me.
-- I still don't understand the attraction of the Insane Clown Posse. But their followers are no more gangsters than are college football fans.
-- Some attorney has asserted a unique defense for his client accused of rape: He's too handsome to rape a woman. I wonder if Ted Bundy had tried that he'd have been acquitted of murder.
-- Mudslides, brushfires, earthquakes and flash floods. Worse still, Hollywood is located there. Why would anyone want to live in California?
-- I really don't get the fuss about zombies. Between them and superheroes, Hollywood never has to write a thoughtful script again. Just trot out the make believe monsters and heroes and watch the cash come in.
-- The Department of Justice made a school take down bleachers for the baseball field that were paid for and put up by the parents and not the school because they were better than the ones at the girls' softball field. There is a blogpost coming on political correctness in the near future, with this as its centerpiece.
-- How can anyone want defend the Brits after a hospital there used upwards of 15,000 fetuses to heat the building? Is Godwin's Law going to forbid comparison of this with the concentration camps crematoria?
-- Lately, there have been some very, very immature and shortsighted children on Facebook laughing at our servicemen and the injuries they've suffered to let twits like them continue to utter their inanities. It's time mandatory military service were reestablished.
-- Jonathan Pollard must never be let out of prison. Treason deserves a life sentence without chance or parole, if not death.
-- I can't figure gas prices. One day it's $3.43 a gallon, the next it's $3.85, then a couple of days later it's down to $3.63. Are prices fluctuating every time Vladimir Putin has a bowel movement?
(c) 2014 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles
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