-- If Hillary were such a softball player, as she touted after the woman threw a shoe at her, why didn't she catch it?
-- Reverend Al Sharpton was an informant for the FBI out of the goodness of his heart and was being paid for his services? Why, then, did he blow all his money on those hideous track suits and that wild hairdo?
-- I have no clue where MH370 is.
-- Henry Aaron suffered real racist abuse. President Obama has suffered a fraction of what Mr. Aaron when through. For Mr. Aaron to liken the President's woes to his own is delusional.
-- On the same note, does not Eric Holder remember what Alberto González and Condoleeza Rice went through from Democratic committeemen? To suggest, however obliquely, that his showdown this week was motivated by racism was yet another attempt to deflect from the real issue.
-- So Ms. Sebelius' tenure is over at DHHS. She gets major points for loyalty, not so many for competence.
-- I can't tell whether Oscar Pistorios is crying more for his killing Reeva Steenkamp or for the fact that he may go to jail.
-- On a related note, how did Ms. Steenkamp not become a supermodel? While she was alive, of course.
-- I cannot believe how these so-called experts come out with mock drafts every week, months before the actual draft. Is it really that important in March to know who's going to be taken by whom in May?
-- There is a constitutional event brewing, and it'll be interesting to see how Congress addresses it.
-- Blacklist is just one heck of a ride. The Following isn't quite as good, but it's creepier.
-- I'm really curious to know just what the landgrab in Nevada is all about. I'm hearing conflicting stories. Apparently, there's also one going on in Texas, too.
-- Feminists claim to want the right to choose for women, but when one does the way Kirsten Dunst did recently, they protest because her choice doesn't fit their paradigm. Hypocrites, anyone?
-- The best playoffs this side of March Madness are about to start. Go Blackhawks!
-- Harry Reid has to be the most disingenuous liar I've ever seen in Congress. Well, he's the male version. Nancy Pelosi is the female equivalent.
-- What's been happening in Detroit lately with home invasions and homeowners shooting dead the intruders is both disheartening and inspiring.
-- Offshore debt collectors had better never get near me. I'll show them my bar number so up close and personally that they'd never forget it.
(c) 2104 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles
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