Wednesday, February 19, 2014

One Year Ago

A year ago today I spent my first day in my new state.  I'd fled Illinois, once the Land of Lincoln and now the land of corruption, cronyism, high taxes and no opportunity, to move to a state seeking a fresh start.  I'd been to this state several times over the past decade and fallen in love with it before I ever met my beloved Karen who, coincidentally, is from the state.  We talked it over and decided that the move was the best thing for us, and I came here to set up a practice.

To say it's been a struggle would be a massive understatement.  Setting up a practice and attracting clients is not something at which I'm skilled, so I've kind of had to learn on the fly.  I've met with success to the extent that I've had clients, but I need more of them.  The lack of income from my end has unnecessarily been beyond stressful.  Steps are being taken to ameliorate that.

But what I remember about my move here is the same feeling of newness I felt when I arrived in Spain almost thirty years ago.  Sure, there are differences between the two, chief among them cultural.  But there are similarities, too.

Knowing how to get around my new location is probably one of the biggest differences.  I can get around anywhere in most of Chicago's metropolitan area, but I didn't know how to get from one end of my new little town to the other without referring to a map.  Going to the store was different, because there are slight differences in the way things are handled here.  Driving is largely different, although I do acknowledge there are crazies both in Illinois and this state.

Karen said that the feeling is different in this state, and I agree, by and large.  People are more laid back, less concerned about appearances.  Gun ownership alone distinguishes this state from Illinois.  There are so many different feelings in the way of life here.

Illinois is the home of my birth.  Our Mother is buried there.  I am a proud graduate of the flagship school of the state.  But I spurn the state that has turned out to be on of the most corrupt, most expensive, most taxed states of the union.  I can no longer waste what time I have remaining trying to enjoy life with the challenges Illinois presents.

My new state is both beautiful and relaxing.  It's exciting in that it's mostly new to me, with plenty of places and things to explore.  Seeing it through Karen's eyes adds to the enjoyment.  I'm not sure how long we'll live here, and it's been difficult at times, but the move was the right thing to do.

(c) 2014 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles

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