Meh, I don't have one theme for today, so it must be more randomness:
-- Interesting debate we had late last week with a disabled veteran who blames Republicans for his receiving a paltry $15 a month in food stamps. Nevermind that the the original post had to do with gun control, or that we thanked him for his service, or that it might not be just Republicans who were keeping him from getting the benefits he deserves as a vet (he was disabled in a car accident after he served, hence the italics)...he was incensed that Republicans are keeping him down. I wonder what he makes of Mr. Obama's announcement downsizing of the military. I can't tell anyone because he's now blocked me for my incendiary comments after he told my girl to fuck off.
-- As for the downsizing, from what's being reported, the administration wants to reduce the military to pre-World War II levels. As an adherent of George Santayana, I bridle at this: Being weak before World War II caused us to be well behind the curve when we got into it, same with Korea, same with Vietnam. The Islamofascists only respect one thing -- power -- and downsizing doesn't project power. Far from it.
-- That being said, I'm all for a lean, streamlined military. But putting the burden on the backs of our servicemen and their families while insisting that the minimum wage for civilian employees in support of our military gets raised just defies reason.
-- So much for being the recipient of twerking.
-- Thankfully, the Olympics are over. We now resume our regular programming.
-- Alec Baldwin's announcement that he's leaving public life is like a person on Facebook announcing he's leaving Facebook. Yeah, right.
-- I like agave sweetener. Who knew?
-- I don't watch golf as a rule, but those shots the Frenchman made this weekend in the Accenture Match Play playoff were just amazing.
-- Alexander Hamilton is a fascinating Founding Father.
-- Ooooo...Dancing With The Stars made a roster change. Wake me when it's over.
-- Sometimes, people are too predictable for their own good. At least to me they are.
-- I can't figure it: Custer will poop and pee when he's out of the kennel, but he only pees in the kennel. And when he gets out of the kennel, he does his business outside like he's supposed to.
-- Speaking of my little buddy, I want to have Karen get some footage of him playing.
-- Have I mentioned lately that Karen is the sweetest, most thoughtful person in the world?
-- Regarding the aforementioned disabled vet, after he got done blocking us, he went on a posting tirade completely misrepresenting what we'd said to him during the discussion. Unfortunately, Karen deleted the conversation so we can't rebut him. But it's hard rebutting a moving bong anyway.
-- I get that people don't like the President. I understand that Mr. Obama has done some very disagreeable things. But Ted Nugent went too far in his description of him. Ad baculum and ad hominem attacks don't distinguish anyone, especially the person employing them.
-- Another visit from the Polar Vortex this weekend. I don't mind the cold, I just find the overuse of the term Polar Vortex amusing. Whatever happened to the Alberta Clipper?
-- Iced tea is a mixed bag in restaurants. Some of it is good, some of it is horrible. I'm such an iced tea snob. I just want iced tea that doesn't taste like it went through a dirty sock on its way to my glass.
-- Soon I may need another wallet for more rewards program cards. This is out of control.
-- Great, the Oscars are this Sunday. And we're told that the people who get paid millions to pretend they're something they're not are going to get swag totaling more than $80,000. Interesting how income equality doesn't apply to friends of the President.
-- We had the misfortune to visit Ikea this weekend. Aside from the typical complaints I have about the place, they butchered Spanish in one of their signs which, when one thinks about it, is slightly humorous.
-- Seeing what my high school tutoring student has to go through these days, I'm glad I graduated from high school when I did.
-- Yup, I'm left brained.
-- It's amusing to watch these narcissists on Facebook post things about themselves in a transparent bid for attention and then try to gussie it up as if it's humility. There's not much worse than a dishonest narcissist.
-- This outbreak of homeowners defending themselves in their homes using firearms and being encouraged to do so by the chief of the Detroit police isn't getting much air time in the MSM. I wonder why only gun rights activists are reporting the news.
-- I really like Brit Hume. He's about the only thing named Brit that I can think of that I like.
(c) 2014 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles
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