Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Left's Lie of Reproductive Rights and Abortion

 The Left is shameless.  The way it thinks it's going to win the Presidency is by toting out a hapless black woman and beating the drum on regaining universal rights for reproduction and abortion.  The only nuance is that the former is mentioned far more than the latter, since in the Left's mind, it includes the latter.  Therein lies the lie.

As far as I know, the Right doesn't oppose contraception.  It does oppose, rightly in my opinion, radical abortion on demand, exclusive of the health of the mother.  There is a very tetchy grey area involving rape and incest which, frankly, I understand but, from what I understand, is also a very small percentage of cases.  But insofar as contraception is concerned, I don't believe the Right opposes it.

Just looking at the word contraception should give the Left a hint:  It means against conception or to prevent conception.  That necessarily means that reproduction is to be prevented by the use of birth control.  The SCOTUS has ruled that contraception must be available to citizens, so that's not even an issue.  But the way the Left argues, even contraception is on the ballot.

No one on the right is telling women they can't reproduce.  They're not telling them how to reproduce.  What we're saying is that murdering an unborn child (outside the noted exceptions) is not reproductive right; it is murder.  I'm not going to get into the details of what is euphemistically referred to as a D&C, but it's horrific.  But necessarily, use of contraception is not part of reproduction.  It is in fact the antithesis of reproduction, and no one is arguing that contraception be banned.

But the Left would have you believe that the Right wants some Handmaiden's Tale reality where women are at the beck and call of men for breeding.  That's untrue.  What we want is the end of the wholesale slaughter of innocent lives that the Left sophistically won't admit is human life in utero.  The Left will twist itself into knots arguing that it's an embryo, not a baby, and therefore cannot be killed.

Yet these same people never argue that a child in utero should not inherit property, which they can, or that a pregnant woman who is killed counts as two deaths, one for her and one for her unborn child.  Consistency is not the Left's strong suit.

So while the DNC has Planned Parenthood outside the United Center offering free vasectomies and abortions, the Left skirts the issue of human life murdered for convenience and instead shouts that it wants universal reproductive rights, unaware of the inherent contradiction in its argument.

I pray for all the murdered souls that have been lost through abortion.

May God have mercy on their souls and on the souls of the abortionists.

(c) 2024 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles

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