I'm now sixty-three-years-old. I'm far too old to care what others think about me. This cuts both ways, of course, as Karen tells me all the time. For a long time now I've valued being true to myself more than trying to curry favor with other people.
That being said, here are some things about which I'm intransigent, stubborn and defiant.
-- I miss Jim Croce, John Denver and Dan Fogelberg. Many regard their music disdainfully, usually labeling it as elevator music. I believe those people are wrong. I love their music. That they all died far too soon is sad beyond belief. I wonder what other beautiful songs they could have recorded.
-- If someone turns on their signal to change a lane in front of me, that does not grant the person carte blanche to take the spot. It signals that person's intention. I am not obligated to let that person in in front of me.
-- I'm not sorry. Abortion as an elective surgery is morally wrong. There are situations where abortion is necessary. But this notion that abortion is one option for birth control is logically incongruous and morally wrong.
-- I will never root for the University of Michigan football and basketball teams.
-- If an artist comes out and denounces not only President Trump but anyone who disagrees with him or her simply because we don't bend the knee at the altar of Obama, I won't watch any of his movies or listen to any of his music.
-- My brother told me a high school classmate reached out to him asking him to contact me about attending our reunion. I have no interest in ever reuniting with people who barely tolerated me in high school and then lost all interest in my once we graduated.
-- I can't stomach modern-day musicals.
-- I won't eat cooked eggs.
-- DEI is stupid. Treat everyone with respect and hire the best person regardless of race or sex. If, however, you only hire white men, something's wrong, because there are plenty of minorities and women out there who could teach white men a thing or two.
-- The island of Ireland should be united. Until it is, I will not step foot in England.
-- Michael Jordan is better than LeBron James on the court. James is a better person off the court.
(c) 2024 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles
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