Sunday, February 13, 2022

Did Man of Dementia Use His Running Mate?

 It's been over a year since Man of Dementia was inaugurated.  Even the most charitable of observers would describe the first year of the Biden-Harris -- or is it Harris-Biden -- Administration as a dumpster fire, or a train wreck, or a dumpster fire involved in a train wreck.  

No matter where one looked -- the economy, immigration, energy, Afghanistan, voting rights, Covid, SCOTUS litigation, the press -- Man of Dementia not only underperformed his critics' expectations, he failed to live up to his supporters' hopes.

Each facet of this new administration is horrible.  Man of Dementia seems to be cognitively impaired, mostly due to his age, but his running mate, Vice President Kamala Harris, seems cognitively impaired due to her innate incompetence.  Her insanely stupid laugh, trotted out at interview after interview, has been likened to the Joker's laugh on the old Batman series (somewhere, Cesar Romero is spinning in his grave).  Her vapid, scripted answers that awkwardly try to sidestep answering questions make a mockery of attempts to get answers.  Her inability to be honest is glaringly obvious to the electorate and, increasingly, to the fawning press.

Yet, if she's so bad, why did Man of Dementia bring her on his ticket?

I have a theory.

For all his warts, Man of Dementia is a longtime politician, savvy in the ways of using the process to his advantage.  He may be horrible as a leader, but as a sniveling powerbroker who knows how to turn things to his advantage, he may be among the most adept.

Many remember how the harridan of Blair House went after Man of Dementia in the debates, alleging, not without reason, that his record was tainted with evidence of racism.  It was an ugly attack, but one that is common in modern-day politics.  

Apparently, Jill Biden lost her mind after this exchange in the debates.  The story can be found here:

Jill Biden told supporters that Kamala Harris could 'go f**k' herself after the June 2019 Democratic primary debate where the then-candidate attacked Joe Biden for supporting racist policies during his Senate career.

If that's the case, why would her husband put Harris on the ticket?

Race and gender.

The present-day Democratic Party is all about identity politics.  Race and gender are the two measuring sticks the Left uses to rate anything.  And by selecting Harris, Man of Dementia appealed to voters who thought he was progressive, hip, modern.  It allowed them to overlook his many shortcomings; he'd nominated the first female and minority Vice Presidential candidate.

For Harris, it's an obvious benefit to her political career.  For the first time, she attained a position not because she slept with someone powerful or was boosted by her looks.  This put her a heartbeat away from the presidency and history.

But then Man of Dementia played his ace in the hole.  He appointed Harris the border czar, a thankless task in light of the many pronouncements he had made that were essentially invitations to the world to violate our sovereignty.  This put Harris in the unenviable position of having to defend her boss when there was no way to stem the tide of illegal immigration.

Other than one trip to Guatemala to study the root causes of immigration and propose new age remedies addressing gender equity, Harris made one trip to one of the more defended portions of the southern border after the press hounded her about it.  Since then, she's been largely silent about it.

Since then, she's been mostly out of the public eye, unable or unwilling to do anything substantive.

Then, the situation between Ukraine and Russia broke out.  We have no strategic interests in Ukraine.  Ukraine is not part of NATO.  Yet Man of Dementia sent Harris to talk with our German and other NATO allies about intervening in Ukraine should the Russians attack.  There would be very little anyone could do to stop Russia were it decided on taking Ukrainian territory.

So in a year, Man of Dementia has sent Harris on two fool's errands, jobs that no one this side of Henry Kissinger could solve.  To paraphrase Lloyd Bentsen, Harris is no Kissinger.

The net effect of these assignments has been to create a track record that almost guarantees that Harris has reached the height of her incompetence a la the Peter Principle.  Compared to her, Hilary Clinton is a politician for the ages.  Harris will never sit in the Oval Office.  Her political hopes were dashed the minute she accepted Man of Dementia's offer to be his running mate.  Were she more politically aware, she would have turned down his offer and waited until 2024.  But her vanity and professional greed got the best of her.  Jill Biden, she of the woefully laughable doctoral dissertation, had outplayed her.

There is one problem for the country and one hope for Harris, and that is Man of Dementia's declining cognitive abilities.  Should the 25th Amendment be invoked and he is removed, Harris ascends to the presidency.  And if that happens, we're all in a lot of trouble.

(c) 2022 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles

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