Monday, July 8, 2019

Summer Randomness

Right before the holiday, here are some random thoughts:

--  There are those weird pop-up ads that sites have --,, etc. -- that prevent one from seeing the intended target before having to watch the ads.  Has anyone, ever, benefitted from one of those ads?  I never watch 'em.

--  The Little River Band is one of the all-time, most underrated, bands in the history of pop music.

--  It never ceases to amaze me how some people drive.  Especially those who own pick-up trucks.  They'll weave in and out of lanes just to get one car length ahead of someone, putting everyone at risk simply so they can be farther up the line.

--  On the same topic, merging into traffic is indicative of how people walk through doorways.

-- Getting home projects done is refreshing.  Doing them isn't always.

--  I don't mind getting all sweaty and grungy provided I'm in the yard doing yardwork.  But put me in a suit and ask me to look presentable in ninety degree weather is another matter altogether.

--  It is amazing how indifferent kids who work in fast food joints have become.  Not only that, they've become belligerent.  I never worked in that industry, but I don't remember people being this indifferent or belligerent.

--  In any public building, elevators have a document in them that tells people the last time the elevator was inspected and the name of the inspector.  Back in Chicago, there used to be an inspector whose last name was Folfas.  Say it slowly and you'll understand.

--  Summertime on television is like the doldrums on the open sea.  Every once in awhile, a decent show comes on, but usually, it's just drek.

--  Every time I turn around Elizabeth Hurley STUNS in a bikini.  Seriously?  Isn't she just pretty much the same person with a different bikini on?

--  I absolutely love the sound of trains passing through.

--  Movies this summer, so far, are underwhelming.  Over the past weekend, with the heat being what it was, Karen and I thought about going to the movies to get out of the heat.  When we checked out the offerings, we decided to stay home.

-- Speaking of movies, I've gotten to the point that if certain stars who are rudely vocal of their opposition to our President and those who support him are in it, I won't go to the theater.  It's that simple.  And since they challenge us by telling us they don't care if we see their movie, I'll call their bluff.

--  When Karen and I go to Ohio and Kentucky in a couple of weeks, we'll have to stock up on Yuengling beer.

--  Filling out reviews on Yelp and is both cathartic and fun.  I'm not sure how the establishments I rated feel.

--  Planking, eating detergent pods, now licking ice cream and putting it back in the grocery store freezer.  What happened to just TP'ing someone's house?

-- Amy Poehler is funny about twenty percent of the time. The other eighty percent is really difficult to watch.  The twenty percent of the time she's funny is when she's with Tina Fey.  That should say something.

-- Speaking of unfunny...will someone please pull the plug on the Flo commercials for Progressive.  They're not novel, they're not funny, but they are annoying.  Especially since they got that weird guy sidekick on there.

-- What does one say when he reads a book by one of his favorite personalities and the book is otherwise enjoyable but the word nonplussed is used incorrectly?

--  So a rap festival in Detroit was going to charge white attendess $10 more than people of color...and not one organizer saw a problem with that?

--  It's always a hoot to watch a traffic reporter be thrown into the position and hear her tell us that it will be slow from here to there without mentioning the road.

(c) 2019 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles

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