Here are some more things I neglected to include in Cultural Ramblings Redux:
-- While driving to work the other day I heard a British voice pitching a new and improved toothbrush. At first, I thought it was another of the annoyingly frequent Brit pitchmen hawking products in America. But as I listened I realized that this person was claiming to be the inventor of the Quip toothbrush, which he touted as being better than what was already on the market. Then it hit me: What parallel universe caused a Brit to invent a toothbrush?
-- We see all the signs about looking out for motorcycles. Frankly, I worry about motorcyclists when I'm driving, fearful not that I'll hit them so much as I won't see them or they'll fall in front of me and I'll run them over. Lately, I've been on our interstates where the speed limit is 70 mph and I'm doing about 80 mph -- don't judge me -- and a motorcycle, usually a crotch-rocket, will zoom past me as if I'm standing still and be a quarter mile ahead of me within twenty seconds. I've also had motorcycles weave in and out of lanes from behind me without little warning. I'm very concerned about the safety of all motorists, and not just motorcyclists.
-- Can't wait for the new television season to begin. I mean, there are about four or five shows that I anxiously await, but they're just old favorites. I haven't seen any promos for new shows and doubt I'd be enticed anyway.
-- Why doesn't the News change its generic name to the Opinion?
-- I'm so tired of pick-up trucks. I'm sure they have a purpose, but on the expressways they're dangerous nine times out of ten.
-- I miss dirty rice. Long story.
-- I don't understand women news anchors. They want to be taken seriously as journalists, yet more and more their pasts pop up showing that they posed scantily clad for this magazine spread or that. It's not as if being attractive physically and intelligent are mutually exclusive, but if the goal all along was to be on the news, why degrade oneself by posing for men's magazines where the last thing on anyone's mind is the news?
-- I still don't understand why, if the United States is comprised of fifty states, when a fast food joint like Wendy's has a promotion, the promotion is not good in Alaska or Hawaii. When those two states joined the Union, was there something special in their admission that forbade promotions from being extended beyond the Lower Forty-Eight to those new states?
-- The mid-term elections are this year. O' goody, more political ads.
-- Custer and Mosby had an epic fight the other night. Custer is getting old, quickly, and Mosby is feeling his oats. Breaking up a bulldog fight is no picnic. Having to break up two fights is unpleasant.
-- I can't wait for fall. Summer hasn't been too horrible this year, but I just like fall over summer. From what I'm reading, though, winter could be brutal.
-- I can't recall when it took as long to bury someone as it's taking to bury Aretha Franklin.
-- Karen watches Wicked Tuna. I used to pay more attention. What got to me was how these supposedly impromptu interviews with the captains and crew were so obviously scripted.
-- Mountain Men, on the other hand. Where was this show when I was young enough to have done something like this?
-- I enjoy writing with fountain pens, but I have to learn how to do so more cleanly.
-- We eat at both Moe's and Qdoba. I like chips and queso. I prefer Moe's chips and Qdoba's queso. Figures.
-- No matter how hip it may be, I cannot and will not read books on Kindle or any other electronic device. That's not snobbishness on my part; I have trouble reading anything beyond an email online. I much prefer hardbound books over paperbacks. That's snobbishness.
-- Attorney advertising leaves me cold. It's the nature of the beast, but professionally, I despise it. Personally, some of the ads are hilarious.
(c) 2018 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles
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