If it seems like I'm obsesses with the Weinstein scandal, I'm not. I'm just reveling in the hypocrisy of the Left who lectures those of us who voted for President Trump despite his indiscretions involving women, given the fact that many people now caught up in the aftermath of the revelations of Harvey Weinstein's conduct were lecturing us for over a year about how stupid we were for voting for President Trump, all the while it was an open secret that Weinstein ruled Hollywood with his penis.
Weinstein is now in a hermetic cocoon called therapy where he's allegedly going to be taught how not to be a cretin. Good luck with that. On his way to Arizona, he told the gathering throng of reporters that he was going to therapy but would be training his sights on the NRA, whatever that meant, as if he was going to curry favor with the Left. If that's what he really thought, he's even more of a buffoon than I thought.
But the interesting fallout for me is how women are coming out of the woodwork not only to accuse Weinstein, a la the Bill Cosby accusers, but also other celebrities who have followed the Weinstein Power Trip Career Path. Some of Hollywood's most outspoken liberals are now being dragged kicking and screaming into the limelight, something they typically embrace but from which they are now running.
Ben Affleck, he of the boorish behavior and the wandering eye, was outed by Rose McGowan for having known of Weinstein's misbehavior. Ms. McGowan, who is quickly becoming a favorite of mine for her no-holds-barred style, tweeted of Affleck You Lie after he tweeted a milquetoast denunciation of Weinstein that was probably drafted by one of his handlers. Affleck sheepishly admitted it and hasn't been heard from since. Of course, Ben was beaten to the punch by his younger brother Casey, who'd been accused of sexual harassment before Harvey's indiscretions became public.
His buddy, Matt Damon, who had been reported to have intervened for Weinstein for an Italian victim, came out and invoked the Three Monkeys. So far, he hasn't been pressed about his response to the matter.
Jimmy Kimmel, the darling of the Left and the self-appointed spokesperson for all things Lefty, has been outed for some of his more immature behavior, nothing that approaches Weinstein territory but that is nonetheless unflattering.
George Clooney has now been accused of blackballing an actress of Mexican descent who appeared on the television show ER. I wonder how Amal liked that.
Has Hollywood never heard of the Glass Houses rule? Apparently, going after President Trump was easy for them because they were protected, in part, but the unwritten rules of Hollywood but also by the MSM, with whom they were in league against the President. It's frightening at the same time it's enjoyable to watch all these mega-Leftists who accused the President now fighting accusations of their own. It's a feeding frenzy and for once I don't feel sorry for the targets. They've brought this on themselves not only by their conduct but by their hypocrisy. In fact, this weekend, I learned a new term from a friend online whom I've never met (a friend of a friend...).
The Left should rename itself the Hypocrats.
It's fitting.
I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings....
(c) 2017 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles
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