Flying underneath the radar, what with the healthcare bill and ISIS and the President's tweets and the SCOTUS teaching the Ninth Circuit another legal lesson, has been this who unmasking business involving everyone's favorite piñata, Susan Rice. The erstwhile roving ambassador for the Obama Administration who infamously appeared on five Sunday morning television shows to tout the administrations stillborn position that it was a spontaneous demonstration that spiraled out of control to result in the death of four Americans at our consulate in Benghazi is now at the center of another pesky matter.
The issue involves the unmasking of Trump associates during the 2016 presidential campaign for their ties to Russians. The records of Rice's involvement are now -- surprise! -- sealed for five years as part of the President Obama library under the Presidential Records Act. So until 2022, the public won't know what, if anything, Ms. Rice did to unmask then-candidate Trump associates. How convenient.
On that issue alone, something's rotten in Denmark. Why would those documents be hidden in a Presidential library? How are they integral to his administration? If there's nothing to hide, why not air them? That annoying delay just doesn't sit well with me.
But today Rice has come out playing the victim card. More specifically, she's playing the gender/race victim card, complaining that as an African-American woman, she's being unfairly targeted over white men. This is a preposterous, not to mention ironic. When I went to Wikipedia to look into her academic background I found this line:
Rice said that her parents taught her to "never use race as an excuse or advantage" and "He believed segregation had constrained him from being all he could be. The psychological hangover of that took him decades to overcome. His most fervent wish was that we not have that psychological baggage."
Apparently, the Stanford-educated Rhodes scholar forgot these nuggets, because she's now whining about how the slings and arrows she's receiving are motivated by race and gender. Ignore for the moment that a white man and a white woman have received subpoenae to testify before Congress on the unmasking issue. That she was included necessarily means she's been targeted because of her race and gender.
If someone goes on national television and lies, bold-facedly, about what caused an attack on a consulate that resulted in the deaths of four Americans, and then acts like Alfred E. Neuman -- what, me worry? -- followed by her equivocal statements regarding her role in unmasking Trump associates, she should expect greater scrutiny, especially when the records regarding her involvement are tucked away in a presidential library vault for five years. For someone this educated to act surprised and hurt that she's a focal point of an inquiry into actions that may or may not be illegal is ludicrous. Rice is certainly not the most corrupt member of the Obama administration, but she's part of a murderers' row of sniveling civil servants whose idea of providing service to the country meant treating the public with contempt and disdain. That the public is now tired of this act is understandable, even to people without Stanford degrees and fully-paid trips to Oxford. That Rice can't or won't understand this is mystifying.
Yet, I find it hard to believe that Rice actually believes this. Instead, I treat this as a play to her and the Democrats' base: Leftists who see every inquiry as based in malevolent motivation. The refusal to accept any responsibility for creating the conditions that spawned the inquiry is an easy move; it takes great chutzpah, however, to continually point the finger at opponents and claim that it's their fault.
I'll wait the five years. In 2022 we'll find out just what Rice did. I bet it'll be along the same lines as her involvement in the Benghazi lies.
(c) 2017 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles
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