Enough is enough.
I'm fairly educated, experienced and possessed of functioning grey matter. For the life of me, I don't understand why people who play make-believe for a living feel the need or the moral superiority to lecture me about how to live or how to vote. And I'm tired of the lecture.
First, I'll stipulate that the First Amendment applies equally to these actors and actresses; how could I not? Even though they inhabit the world of make-believe, they still have rights.
Second, I don't care if the celebrity is conservative or liberal. Lectures from others fall on my deaf ears.
But the lecturing from the Left is crescendoing, all due to fear of Donald Trump.
Whether it's Ashley Judd, Michael Moore, Bill Maher, Debra Messing or any other nattering nabob of negativism, the cries are becoming ridiculous. I can understand being upset or disappointed, but to hear these critics tell it, we're looking at the rise of fascism and the second coming of Adolf Hitler.
They descry his stance on women, his rhetoric, his lack of a presidential presence, his Tweeting -- heck, I'm sure they're ready to complain about his breathing -- virtually everything about him and his administration. Some of the criticisms are valid, others are stupid. Either way, they have the right to criticize and protest; that's the American way. Yet, there are problems with their advocacy.
To begin, the hyperbole in which some of them engage is ridiculous. It's almost as if they think they're on stage (I'm looking at you Ms. Judd) and that the greater the performance, the more understood the message. What really happens is that they look beyond ridiculous.
But beyond that, an interesting thing is being left out. Let's say for a second that every one of their criticisms has merit. Mr. Trump, under this analysis, is a misogynist, he doesn't understand politics, he's a warmonger -- you name it.
What was our alternative?
Cankles was a woman who stood by a serial adulterer and pilloried the women he abused. She took money from governments treated as if we were still in the Stone Age. Our consulate in Benghazi was hit and four Americans died while she, according to some accounts, denied the military permission to intervene. Afterwards, she lied about it, and when testifying before Congress, asked what it mattered what the cause of the attack was.
She kept a homebrew server with national security documents on it that was shared with her aid, Huma Abedin, whose husband, Anthony Weiner, somehow got them on his phone. If one has to ask why this is a problem, this discussion is over.
She's lied about being shot at while landing in Sarajevo, lied about being broke, admittedly stole items from the White House while she and her adulterous husband left it in 2001, and basically did nothing while she was a U.S. Senator and the Secretary of State.
But to the Hollywood Left, this was a better alternative????
It was an alternative. But reasonable minds were allowed to consider another alternative, albeit a flawed one, yet one would never know there was a choice in the matter. Instead, those of us who voted for Mr. Trump are to be shunned for supporting someone of such dubious character. Nevermind that Cankles lied to the American people, referred to us as deplorables and was nothing more than a career politician out to line her own pockets.
As for Ms. Messing's shunning, that's fine with me.
I don't like to play make believe.
(c) 2017 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles
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