I posed the question awhile back: Can the MSM steal the presidential election? Whether it can remains to be seen, but from all indications, it's trying its darnedest.
Donald Trump, as is his wont, was found to have made some rather intemperate and, well, rude comments about women back in 2007. The MSM, of course, jumped all over it and made him apologize, publicly, for his indiscretion. To be sure, the comments were lewd. They were less than comments any guy who's ever been in a locker room has heard, but still, they don't reflect well on a man who wants to be the leader of the free world. He's not the first presidential candidate to be a cad and he won't be the last, sadly. His crime in all of this is to have done it in the era of the ever-present technology that can record any- and everything. That doesn't exonerate him; he's wrong. It just puts his misfeasance in perspective.
At the same time, Cankles' adoring husband, Slick Willy, has long been rumored to have bedded several different women, voluntarily and involuntarily on their part, while he's been married to Cankles. Some of these women have alleged abuse at his hand. Infamously, Monica Lewinsky suffered publicly for her indiscretion with the former president. Recently, reports have surfaced that Slick Willy vacationed with Jeffrey Epstein at his island retreat that is stocked with women willing to service rich and powerful men and there may be video of it. This latest bit comes from the FBI investigation into Anthony Wiener; the veracity of that statement is still in question.
The media, however, is in a feeding frenzy when it comes to Trump's indiscretions which, if anyone is paying attention, only amounts to him being a boor. Unlike Slick Willy's indiscretions, which involve far more than boorishness, Trump isn't accused -- credibly -- of abusing women. Some women have surfaced claiming that Trump abused them, but those reports are being debunked as quickly as they come out.
Yet, it's become more insidious than mere favoritism abrogating journalistic ethics. Recent released emails purloined by Wikileaks show that about thirty members of the MSM met privately with the Cankles campaign to ask how it could assist it. Donna Brazile, the temporary head of the Democratic National Party and a contributor at the Clinton News Network, tipped off Cankles' campaign about questions that were going to be asked in debates. And she's not the only one who did that.
What's happened is that the Fourth Estate has become a Fifth Column. The MSM is undermining our democracy by openly siding with one candidate over another. And it's doing so not with someone virtuous and clean. It's doing so with someone about whom there is more scandalous smoke than there is about the candidate about whom they're lining up to defeat. Cankles is under criminal investigation by the FBI, for crying out loud, yet the MSM acts as if she has a sniffle. Trump, on the other hand, is the devil incarnate. Whatever allegations against him exist, they pale in comparison to the wrongs committed by Cankles and her gang.
For the MSM, however, it's time for everyone to resist the Visitor.
The sad part is that there's absolutely no way to hold the MSM accountable. For me, my trust in the MSM no longer exists. If I have to find out news on social media because the MSM won't report it lest it conflict with its choice for elected office, there is no such thing as journalism anymore.
(c) 2016 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles
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