It's no secret that I'm a harsh critic of the MSM. I've violated Godwin's Law so many times that I may as well call myself the Simon Wiesenthal of the MSM. I maintain that the greatest threat to this country isn't ISIS or anything environmental but the MSM because of the way it manipulates the news and presents it to the public. No, it's pretty clear to see where I stand on the issue of the MSM.
So perhaps this blogpost will be merely redundant. O' well. So be it.
Yet, with an open mind, consider what's happened in the wake of the party conventions that took place over the last couple of weeks. The MSM has gone after Mr. Trump with gleeful abandon, pouncing on any of his public statements that lack political correctness as if he were advocating sedition. Whether it be how he treats Cankles, how he comments babies at rallies or how he handles a shady parent of a fallen soldier, everything he does is scrutinized more than a urine sample or an NFL game. It's not that I object to the scrutiny, since he's running for president he deserves to be scrutinized to make sure he's made of presidential timber. Sometimes he's wanting in that department. Other times he's more presidential than the present President himself.
No, the problem I have with the scrutiny is the disproportionate level Mr. Trump gets compared to that meted out to Cankles. Considering the actions that are deserving of scrutiny, one would think the would-be Woodwards and Bernsteins would be salivating at the chance to dig into Cankles' misdeeds. It doesn't appear that the MSM has any interest in that because, probably fearful of what people already assume is true, it could sidetrack history in the making on the Inevitability Tour.
Wikileaks has released thousands of emails that show it is more probable than not that the Democratic National Committee did everything it could to hamstring Bernie Sanders. So bad was it that the harpie who used to be head of the DNC, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, was forced to resign by no less than the President himself. Shortly thereafter, Cankles hired her in some honorary role in her campaign.
So if I understand this correctly, Cankles hired the person who was in charge of the organization that ran an unfair primary election that resulted in her opponent being defeated and who, upon the revelation of the rigged primary election is forced to resign, and Cankles brings her into her campaign...and the MSM yawns???? Imagine if Mr. Trump had done the equivalent. The knives would be honed to a fine edge and it would be open season on candidates with bad hair.
Then there's the whole email scandal. When asked about it -- finally -- she gave such a bad response that some are calling it Pretzel Logic. She says that James Comey, the head of the FBI, didn't say she'd lied, but in fact that she'd told the American public the truth, or some such pap. In fact, Director Comey only said that what she'd done didn't rise to the level of an actionable offense, but several times said she'd not told the truth. Again, the MSM is giving her a pass on this without digging into the emails, her deflections and lies and the actual content of Director Comey's statements. It's old news, move along.
Mr. Trump would be burned alive at the stake.
Then there's the whole spat about Gold Star Families. Look, I'm as supportive as the next person about the military and especially when it comes to the extraordinary sacrifices they make for our country. And I'm sure Khizr Khan and his wife grieve everyday for their son, who died in defense of this country. But why is their story elevated above those of the four men who lost their lives in Benghazi? What's more, his life was at risk the minute he joined the military, whereas the men in Benghazi were not necessarily going to be in the line of fire. An absolutely galling interview took place on CNN where Charles Woods, the father of one of the former SEAL's killed in Benghazi, was repeatedly asked whether Mr. Trump should apologize to Mr. Khan for his comments about Muslim immigration, but when Mr. Woods asked whether Cankles should apologize to him for lying about what got his son killed, the talking head at CNN kept asking about Mr. Trump. In other words, we place value on lives based on which political candidate is in the discussion and how the lives factor into the political equation. Why is there no investigation into Cankles' lies about what prompted the attack on Benghazi? Why is there no examination of where she was and what she was doing when the attack took place? Why must the MSM tie Mr. Trump's position on Muslim immigration to Mr. Khan's loss?
The conflation of Mr. Trump's stance on Muslim immigration with the death of Mr. Khan's son is ridiculous, but it serves to distract from Cankles's misdeeds and put the focus on Mr. Trump as a bigot. Nevermind that Jimmy Carter, once the darling of the Left, advocated shutting down Muslim immigration after the embassy in Tehran was taken by the Iranians. No, Mr. Trump must be a bigot, and let Mr. Khan whip him with the Constitution to prove it.
Meanwhile, Cankles gets away with anything.
Don't think for a minute that the MSM can't steal this election. If not by actual deed, then by controlling the talking points so that the electorate gets the message the MSM wants it to receive.
(c) 2016 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles
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