Let's get one thing straight: I'm an independent. Technically, I'm a Marxist: I would never join a club that would have me as a member. So I'm not registered or affiliated with any political party, nor will I ever be.
I don't particularly like the Republican Party, either, if for no other reason than its arrogance. I'll get to them in another blogpost. Today, however, is for examining the Democratic Party.
I'll readily admit that the kind of person attracted to the Democrats is not the kind of person I'd invite to dinner. Overly unrealistic, altruistic to the point where it intrudes on reality and intolerant of opposing views, I can't find any common ground with such a person. Add to that a tendency to revise history to fit one's agenda, and that person and I obviously won't get along.
The angry, aggravating rhetoric that is launched as truth is enervating. The carelessness with the truth simply to fire up the base is reprehensible. That there's earnestness behind the rhetoric doesn't detract from the fact that it's still lying.
The Democratic Party has somehow convinced blacks that it supports them, when in fact it's done precious little for them and it was Republicans who made the major advances for blacks in history. The Democrats use blacks for votes, pander to their demands and then give them virtually nothing in exchange for their support.
Latinos, likewise, are used by the Democrats. Their quality of life is no better under Democratic administrations than it would be under Republican administrations. The platforms are one thing; the reality is quite another.
At the convention, speaker after speaker urged the base to rally against a rigged system, which would be hilarious were it not so sad. The juicy irony was lost on them, or ignored by them, while reports of a rigged primary were airing simultaneously with the speeches.
It's the Obama administration, however, that has shown the true Democratic principles. Never before has a party governed and acted with such mal- and misfeasance as it has during President Obama's tenure. It's not, of course, all his fault, but he does set the tone and the Party follows his lead. He seems to have given it carte blanche to attack anything not labeled Democratic.
Yet, even if one is willing to accept this underwhelming history of performance, after this week, how can anyone still want to be a member of the Democratic Party?
Bernie Sanders ran his presidential campaign under the Party's umbrella. Despite this, recently released emails and voice mails show that the Party was opposed to his campaign to the point that it sabotaged it at every turn. The released emails also suggest that not only did the Party fail to support Mr. Sanders, it worked against him while supporting Cankles at every turn. Add to that the racist tone of some of the emails and its a wonder anyone supports the Party at all.
Look, the Republicans are hardly choirboys. But so far, no similar information has been released showing them to be as cretinous as the Democrats.
On top of this, it was reported today that IRS officials knew as far back as 2011 that conservative groups were targeted by the IRS for special scrutiny. That means that the government, led by a Democrat, was using as an instrument the IRS to punish groups opposed to it. This is incomprehensible. When tricky Dick Nixon broke into the Democratic offices at the Watergate Hotel, he was forced to resign. So far, there are no calls -- at least in the MSM -- for President Obama to do the same. What's more, he avers that there was nothing going on at the IRS. Now documents prove that to be a lie. More problematic is that the administration's Justice Department appears to be unwilling to levy any charges on people responsible for this chicanery. Who controls the Justice Department?
How is it that a party that shares democracy as its root can be so undemocratic? Which then leads to the original question:
Why would anyone want to be a Democrat?
(c) 2016 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles
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