I'm sorry. I've had it.
As Donald Trump's improbably presidential campaign ends its first phase, more and more supporters of open border immigration are getting louder and bolder in opposition to his candidacy. That's fine; that's their prerogative. But as with most liberal positions, this one has as its underpinnings a huge dose of hypocrisy.
For starters, let's just consider the basic facts: Laws exist for rightful immigration. Proponents of open borders (what I'm calling open borders, anyway) suggest that those people who are here illegally should be allowed to stay here without penalty and be made U.S. citizens in short order. Some of this is motivated by political opportunism, as Democrats see potential votes from the immigrants whose trespass they support.
But my patience for the illegal Mexican immigrants has expired. Images of them holding signs outside Donald Trump rallies that read Make America Mexico Again, complaints about building a wall to secure our border, allowing illegal Mexican immigrants to practice law, the lack of interest in learning English -- all of it -- I'm done. And lest anyone think this is supportive of Mr. Trump, understand that the sign irks me, not where it was displayed.
There are a couple of hypocrisies at work here. First, why is it all right for Mexico to enforce its immigration laws but it's wrong not to say immoral of the United States to enforce its own laws? That makes no sense whatsoever.
Second, if Mexico is so grand, why do Mexicans move to the United States and then declare they intend to make America Mexico again? What's the point in moving to another country for opportunity that doesn't exist in their home country and then strive to make it like the country they've left? If Mexico's so great you want to turn the United States into a new version of Mexico, why move to the United States?
What offends me is the level of belligerence some Mexican immigrants show when they arrive here. Putting the Mexican flag above the United States flag, refusing to learn English, refusing to adopt customs that are American -- this behavior isn't indicative of a people who want to assimilate. As plenty of other immigrant groups have done, retaining culture from the old country is fine. But elevating that culture over the American culture to the point of denigrating it is unacceptable.
Sovereignty means that there is integrity to a country's existence. What with liberals' push to have open borders in some sort of nod to a kumbaya mentality, Mexicans in particular seem to have taken that as a clue to flood the country, immigration laws be damned.
My solution remains as it has for the last twenty years: Bring home our troops from Europe and Korea, station them along the southern border, with fixed emplacements, foo gas trenches, land mines, concertina and drones flying overhead. Have roving patrols in remote areas. Costs for housing and feeding our troops will be reduced, illegal immigration will be reduced and the drug cartels will lose members.
And just try to fly the Mexican flag over the American flag in front of our troops.
Go ahead. I dare you.
(c) 2016 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles
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