Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday Musings Again

Ansel Adams weeps.

Quietly, without any notice, the federal government has decided that our basic cultural patrimony -- our beautiful country -- will now be subject to further taxation as a means for paying for the entitlement programs a spendthrift Congress has enacted.  Not being satisfied with the user fees that any visitor to a state park must pay -- fair or not, they are, at least, arguably necessary for the maintenance and preservation of the parks -- the government is now levying at $1,500.00 fee for anyone wishing to take pictures in a state park.  This is for anyone, amateur or professional, who wants to take a picture with a camera, Ipad, Tablet or other device.  Failure to pay the fee and subsequently being caught taking photographs results in a $1,000.00 fine.

Yes, the fine is less than the fee.  We could spend all day discussing that one.  But let's not.

It is absolute insanity to require citizens to pay a fee to take pictures of the natural beauty that is, by all rights, theirs.  The government no more owns that land than do Martians.  That land pertains to the citizenry of the United States.  For the government to try to tax personal photographs is abominable. That the MSM isn't screaming from the rooftops on this one astounds me.

Is there any more evidence needed that this administration is one of the worst in the history of this country?


The growing chorus of doubters that no ground troops will be needed to clear ISIS out of its lairs in Syria and Iraq has reached a crescendo.

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