After a long holiday weekend chock-full with plenty of non-leisure activities, I'm pretty much toast. I still haven't read the Sunday newspaper, for heaven's sake. So here goes. I promise this isn't half-hearted:
-- I'm not sure we can rank presidents in terms of their excellence or their wretched performance, and the race to deem this president the worst in modern history is a little premature, but it appears to me that he's doing a woeful job governing.
-- On a similar note, it's fun watching Cankles squirm. I can't recall a more incompetent book release tour from a seasoned public figure. All she lacks is the opportunity to go on Oprah and have the world find out she falsified certain details in her book.
-- Whoever developed wallpaper should be tarred and feathered. Then wrapped in wallpaper.
-- I said it years ago and I stand by it today: Withdraw the American military from the DMZ in Korea, since they don't want us there anyway, and redeploy along the border with Mexico. Then let's see how the illegal immigrants and the drug cartels get in the country.
-- Bluebs are just good eatin'.
-- Nothing wakes me up faster than a three-month-old cat jumping on my sleeping face wanting to play.
-- I don't miss television no matter how much Karen thinks I do.
-- I've lost a cumulative week of my life replacing toilets. This is ridiculous.
-- Listening to a train while eating dinner with my girl is one of the unmentioned benefits of living outside of suburbia.
-- I'm fed up with Mexico and Mexicans. Enough with the entitlement mentality. Get your own country straightened out. And learn English if you come here.
-- This business about LeBron signing here or there is so tiresome.
-- Isn't it interesting how the MSM is dealing with the administration and Cankles? Or, more correctly, how it isn't dealing with them?
-- Grilling is such fun. I just wish I did it better.
-- Higher education is like beauty contests: Just because someone graduates from college doesn't mean he's smarter than a person who didn't go to college, just like a woman winning a beauty contest means she's prettier than a woman who didn't enter the contest.
-- I don't miss Illinois at all.
-- I wonder if Jesse Jackson actually followed through and paid for the education of the woman who accused the Duke lacrosse players of raping her.
-- It boggles the mind just how the Hobby Lobby decision is being misrepresented by its opponents. I can understand the unsophisticated, but for the self-proclaimed constitutional lawyer in the White House to spin it the way he's spinning it is detestable.
-- This year I'm going to try and watch the All Star Futures Game to catch two of the Cubs' best prospects, Kris Bryant and Javier Báez.
-- Even though none of you knows me or my girl, please say a little prayer for Karen, who's bravely facing some serious health issues.
(c) 2014 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles
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