Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Random Musings

No, I'm not going to address last night's SOTU (when did it become this???) since I didn't watch it. Instead, I'm just going to let my mind wander.

--  It took four -- four -- adults, including two veterinary professionals, Karen with her knowledge and experience with bulldogs and me, bringing nothing more to the party than my considerable girth, to subdue Custer so the vet could put some ointment in his ear to alleviate his itching.  Good thing there's no video available or PETA or the ASPCA might yank him and Sherman from our house.

-- Spring training is right around the corner.  Just make it 106 years and counting and wake me when it's 2015 already.

-- Say what you want about the shows, but The Following and The Blacklist captivate me.

-- I love watching older movies that I've never seen before just to see what young actor or actress was in a lesser role.  Sometimes it's interesting to see what humble beginnings some of the larger stars had before they hit it big.

--  When the bulldog we're fostering barks she sounds like Carol Channing.

--  I hate the snow that builds up in the wheel wells behind the tires on my car.  Almost every time I drive I have to kick the snow off or out of the wells before I drive again.

-- The books I read for January are probably the best books I've read in a given month in a long time.

--  I've grown tired of Mexican food.  I like Tex-Mex better.

--  The number of rewards programs to which I belong is ridiculous.  I already carry a second wallet full of just rewards cards as it is.  There has to be an easier way.

--  Every time I read a new book, just about, I learn something.  For example, I had no idea that Stalin's purge in the '30's was the result of misinformation planted by the Germans.

--  It's award show season, and Jacqueline Bissett is the frontrunner for the wackiest acceptance speech of the year.  These shows are nothing more than self-indulgent pap, but every once in awhile, there's pure entertainment in them.  What's truly ridiculous, however, is that even awards shows can win awards.

--  Whatever happened to Jo Dee Messina?

-- There's no point in setting the alarm clock, as I continue to wake myself up fearful that either I failed to set it properly or a brownout caused it to reset.

--  I'm glad to know I'm not the only one moderately interested in pens.

--  Hot tea is a perfect winter drink, right after good, Spanish hot chocolate.

--  I miss baking, now that I think about it.

--  Two and a Half Men has become positively raunchy -- embarrassingly so.

-- My girl is an excellent artist.  I just thought everyone should know.

-- Joe Biden is a tool.

(c) 2014 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles

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