The uproar over the Zimmerman acquittal has subsided, but new fires break out daily, or so it seems. Only now, the perpetrators are the victims, and the victims have no recourse to having the crimes committed against them declared to be hate crimes.
A couple of weeks ago in Florida a video surfaced in which three older black teenagers on a bus were seen pummeling a younger teenager who we later learned is white. The reason for the beating is that the white ratted them out for an attempted drug deal. Whatever the reason, the three older teens are seen viciously beating the younger teen for a terribly long time, resulting in contusions and a broken arm. The incident is being categorized merely as assault and battery and not a hate crime because there is no evidence that race was a motivating factor.
Meanwhile, in Oklahoma three teens shot and killed an Australian exchange student in the back, leaving him to die on the side of the road. The motivation? They were bored. Yes, they were bored so they shot him in the back. The victim's race is Caucasian. Two of the teens are black, one is being described as white despite the fact his surname is Luna (odd that George Zimmerman was described as being a white of Hispanic descent, but Chancey Luna, who committed a crime far worse than anything Zimmerman faced, is white).
Now comes information that one of the youths was in the street gang the Crips and one of them had racially negative social media content on his Twitter account. Yet authorities still won't charge the three with a hate crime.
What's more, black leaders who were foaming at the mouth trying to equate Trayvon Martin's death to that of Emmett Till are either silent or, as Jesse Jackson did, frowning upon these incidents of violence. Long a critic of Mr. Jackson, I give him credit: At least he said something condemning these attacks. Where's Al Sharpton? Where's Oprah? Or do white lives mean nothing?
But my beef isn't so much with them because I've come to expect that hypocrisy. What bothers me is the inbred systemic reverse discrimination that the largely white majority is foisting on itself. In the Martin incident, the description of Zimmerman as a white of Hispanic descent strained credulity to the point rendering credulity irrelevant. The only purpose for doing that was to inject race into the discussion, despite the fact that there was no racial angle, as later proven at trial. This merely served to gin up a sexier story line for the MSM and enflame emotions, reopening scars that were finally beginning to heal.
Yet with the bus beating, nowhere in the MSM was there any hint that race played a part. Only Fox News, the AntiChrist of the MSM, dared to raise the issue. More people were concerned with whether the bus driver, who was also black, had an affirmative obligation to stop the outrage (some states have laws specifically prohibiting drivers from intervening). And lest anyone think these teens came from broken homes, their fathers accompanied them to their arraignments.
But that case is a weak one on which to base a hate crime, because there isn't really much to base it on. I've heard no audio, and it may very well be that it's about a failed drug deal. But what's troubling is that the point was never raised in the MSM.
The Oklahoma shooting is simply depraved. The Australian was doing nothing but minding his own business. They shot him in the back and left him to die, at best because they were bored and at worse, we may have learned, because at least one of the youths hates whites. If that doesn't qualify as motivation for a hate crime, I don't know what does. It's certainly one of the most depraved murders to have been committed by teens in recent years, and one of the most senseless. Yet all we have for charges, from what I recall seeing, is garden variety murder. I'm sure there are some lesser, additional charges, but no hate crime. In the end, when these murderers are convicted, it won't matter. But if it doesn't matter in this case, why was there such a rush to try to include a hate crime designation for the Martin-Zimmerman case, and why such outrage at the acquittal? It makes no sense if the person is going to do the same amount of time, and all it does is serve the bloodlust of the populace to wrap it up the way it wants it. But if the Martin-Zimmerman case should have been a hate crime -- which I don't believe it should -- then most certainly the murder of the Australian should have been. But even comparing the two cases, one of them should be, and it wasn't he one in Florida.
Still, the MSM is reluctant to paint that as a hate crime because to do so would, besides reporting the obvious, enflame tensions, the very thing is sought to do in Zimmerman's case. Why is it all right in one case and not the other? Is it white guilt? Is a black killed in a hate crime a sexier story than a white killed in a hate crime? Does that mean that blacks' lives are worth more than whites' lives? Shouldn't every life have the same value?
Well, prepare yourself. A new case has come out, and if the Australian's murder was depravity, this redefines it: I just learned of a case that was committed nearly two years ago in which twenty black men and teens raped an eleven-year-old Latino girl. Is this a hate crime? Does black on Latino crime rate as hatred? Or it a hate crime only when a white person causes damage (murder, rape, battery, robbery, etc.) to a black?
The nettlesome issue is that by declaring that crimes committed against certain groups or with certain motivations are elevated (lowered?) to a new level by virtue of the victim's identity or the perpetrator's identity is about a ludicrous as the notion that there can be rules for war. By the very nature of crime, violence and hatred are involved, just as they are in wartime. But to have the MSM as moral arbiter designating what it or isn't a hate crime, and having spineless functionaries unwilling to label scandalous behavior as a hate crime simply because the victim isn't black is senseless. It detracts from the whole reason for having a hate crime designation in the first place and renders it another entitlement specifically for a limited number of groups.
If we are to regard people of all races as equals, the laws must treat them equally. And for all its highbrow behavior, the MSM needs to return to the days of merely reporting and not engage in editorializing the news by selecting which stories merit inclusion or how they are to be told.
Otherwise, racial hypocrisy will never end.
(c) 2013 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles
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