Anyone paying attention to the recent spate of scandals plaguing the White House is no doubt troubled by them. The IRS matter, the seizure of the AP logs, the lingering Benghazi affair and the little-mentioned Secret Service investigation just won't go away. But there are certain things that go beyond what's being reported, and they're not necessarily going to be front and center in the debate.
First of all, if the IRS was not targeting Tea Party groups out of political motivation, why then were liberal or progressive groups not included in the scrutiny? I haven't heard one iota about a liberal group being targeted which, no matter what one's political affiliation, would be just as outrageous as the targeting of conservative groups. To claim that there was no political motivation is undercut by the fact that no groups from the other side were similarly targeted.
Second, how is it the President is being kept in the dark by the very people who are working at his pleasure? If this were the private sector, those people would lose their jobs the minute the boss found out about it. But in this administration, they're hidden in different departments. Ask yourself whatever happened to those blamed for the miscommunication on Benghazi who were allegedly terminated. Where are those people today?
The final thought is one that is more local. The President hails from Chicago. That's where he cut his political teeth. For as intelligent as he is, he learned how to maneuver politically from the Democratic hacks that have a stranglehold on government not only in Chicago but also from Illinois.
Despite the fact that I lived in Illinois most of my life, I really didn't understand much about how the Machine, as it's called, operated and dominated life in Illinois. Then I read a book called American Pharoah, about the first Mayor Daley, and that explained everything to me. Many people swear by Mike Royko's book Boss, also about the first Mayor Daley, but I haven't gotten around to that yet.
For those not aware of Chicago politics, think of the Borgias. Democrats have controlled Chicago and the state of Illinois for decades, and only once in a great while is a Republican elected to the governorship. Republicans stand no chance of gaining the mayoralty in Chicago.
The second Mayor Daley recently retired. He was loved by many in the city for his passion for the city and his efforts to beautify the place. But the dirty secret that never made news outside of Illinois is that countless members of his administration were convicted of various acts of corruption. Some of these officials were very high up in the administration. Yet not once was the mayor himself targeted, nor was there any hint in any of the testimony that he was aware of the corruption that was going on in his own administration.
Sound familiar?
The President's former chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, is now the mayor of Chicago. David Axelrod, the former senior advisor to the President in his first term, is a political consultant based in Chicago who specializes in getting liberals elected. He's now back in Chicago. It is unlikely that any taint will ever attach to either of them, but had there been a sniff of a scandal, they would have thrown themselves on their swords to protect the President.
The full story of all these scandals won't be known for several years, perhaps decades. Meanwhile, denials will issue from the White House that a Harvard-educated president was kept in the dark by the very people who worked for him. The man who was going to bring Change and Hope to Washington instead has surrounded himself with toadies who better imitate these creatures
than advisors who would counsel the President on what is best for the country. This is the true Chicago way: Seize power with promises and then change the game up to maintain power. When one thinks about it, it almost has a socialist ring to it.
So while you're watching events coming out of the capital, remember Chicago.
(c) 2013 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles
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