When Barack Obama was elected, I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. He represented a freshness in American politics. He was, of course, the first minority president this country's ever had. I thought he might be more moderate than his opponents painted him to be.
I was wrong.
The president who sits to day in the White House is as divisive a president as we've had in a long time. Sure, George W. Bush was polarizing, but that's to be expected, what with the MSM coopted and Hollywood nothing more than the unofficial public relations organ of the liberals. And yes, W made some mistakes, chief among them, in my opinion, his handling of post-Katrina New Orleans. He also jumped the gun with his Mission Accomplished bragging. But he was certainly no worse than some of the fops we've had in there, most notably Slick Willy Clinton, he of the cigar and Monica Lewinsky. It's often forgotten that Slick Willy was the one who opened the doors to anyone who wanted to buy a house, whether they could afford it or not, and who deregulated many industries that led us to the financial collapse in 2008.
But Mr. Obama is a snake of a different sort. I don't really care that much about the birthing controversy. At this point, does it really matter? But he came into power preaching reconciliation and bipartisanship and all he's done is blame the conservatives for everything. He doesn't rein in the likes of the horrible Harry Reid and the shrewish Nancy Pelosi. He attacks one news outlet because they criticize him, going so far as to have their press passes revoked in a fit a pique. His colossal mistake at the beginning of his reign to focus on health care and not the economy just drove the country deeper into a financial morass from which it hasn't recovered to this day. His spinning of statistics and rhetoric to make things seem better than they are is unforgivable, and how he wiggled his way out of the Benghazi mess is simply frightful.
To be sure, he's had help all along the way. The MSM has been complicit in letting down the country, as my very wise liberal friend Bill said. Hollywood is nothing more than a reincarnation of Josef Goebbels and Reni Riefenstahl which is ironic given the composition of most of its studios. But Obama has done this largely with his charismatic personality that's gone unchecked because of the complicity and because of white guilt.
The country will recover, eventually. The next election cycle gives the States the opportunity to balance out the inequities of the last six years and set the stage for a reversal of fortune in 2016. There may very well be a Republican Obama lurking somewhere, someone with the charismatic power to captivate voters sufficient to turn the tide. Voters themselves may finally wake up and see just how little their lives were improved under this regime.
For the moment, however, we're stuck with this man and his minions. I was worried about the members of Congress, and with good reason.
But I was woefully wrong to have any hope that Obama might be moderate.
(c) 2013 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles
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