Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A gaggle of cords

As anyone who knows me knows, I'm cyber-challenged.  I need idiot-friendly software, directions that even someone with only a basic understanding of English had a reasonable expectation of figuring out.  Alas, such is not typically what I'm given.

But I'm not going to beat the same drum endlessly today.  Instead, I'm going to wax frustrated about wires.  Miles of wires, it seems.  Given my present circumstances, I have a few creature comforts that I can use to make life bearable.  I have my PC, a TV with no cable service, a light, a radio and my cellphone.


The PC has to be plugged in, of course, as does the TV, the monitor for the TV and the antenna for TV.  Because I don't want a sudden thunderstorm's lightening to ruin my appliances, they must go into a power strip with a surge protector.  So far, I'm up to five wires.

With my computer I have a mouse and a keyboard that have to be plugged into the back of my computer.  I'm up to seven cords already.

But remember, I have an Ipod.  My IPod must be recharged somehow, so I have a wire that plugs into the front of my PC to recharge it and to sync it with Itunes.  Then there's the external hardrive that not only must be plugged into the computer but also into the surge protector.  I've lost actual count, but I think that's another three cords, and we're up to ten.

Then there's the radio.  It only has one cord that I plug directly into the wall because, well, it's a cheapie.  But I also have to recharge my phone, so there's a cord for the recharger.  That's another two more cords.  I now have twelve.

But wait!  I have an electric toothbrush and an electric razor.  Add two more cords for a total of fourteen cords.

Yes, fourteen cords. 

At my office, I decided it might be nice to have a little amplifying device for my Ipod so I could listen to music after hours.  I'm looking at a tangled mess of cords that seem to amount to another four cords in and of itself.  I got so frustrated with the number of cords that I left my phone recharger at the apartment, because even without it, I have a computer cord, the mouse and keyboard cords, a light, and the surge protector.

The only thing I'm missing is a post to which to hitch my horse's reins.

I understand how these things are all supposed to work, but I also remember that technology was supposed to make our lives easier.  To some extent, they have.  But they've also created another tangled mess of spaghetti that cancels out the ease technology creates.

(c) 2013 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles

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