Every once in awhile the topic of dinner guests arises, as in, if you could invite anyone over to share dinner with you and Karen, whom would you invite? It's an intriguing question.
The people whom I'd invite wouldn't be invited for their celebrity, or their wealth, or their accomplishments, but for the interest they could provide with their knowledge and conversation. With any luck -- since I don't know any of these people personally -- they'd also be nice people. There's always the risk that one guest offends another guest, so I would have to say that I'd invite these people with all things being equal. The menu doesn't matter, as that's another variable that shouldn't have any impact on the choices. No spouses should be included, simply because I don't have a table big enough for twenty-six people. And since twelve is my lucky number, twelve will the number of my invitees.
One last caveat: All my invitees have to be alive, so no dead historical figures.
Without a doubt, the first person whom I'd invite would be George Will. He's what I regard as the thinking man's raconteur. That is, he's so brilliant he can talk about any subject with insight and a perceptive perspective that few others can offer. That he's a Cubs' fan and his father taught at my alma mater are added bonuses.
Bill Russell is perhaps the most accomplished basketball player of all time. He's also a bridge between the old NBA and the new NBA. Furthermore, he's an intelligent and forthright man who speaks his mind tactfully. Last but not least, he has a great laugh.
Isabel Allende is one of my favorite authors. I've read most of her works already and have some of her later works ready to read when I have time. She lived in a Chile that the CIA ruined with the overthrow of her cousin, Salvador Allende, yet she chose to make the USA her home. Her books were great treats, except for Paula, which details the death of her own daughter to a rare blood disease. I read that book while our Mother was dying.
Mario Batali is a celebrity chef, but I appreciate his approach to cooking. He embraces Italian simplicity. He also lived in Spain during his childhood, so I'd be interested in sharing stories about our times in Spain.
Maureen O'Hara is my biggest crush of all time and our Mother's favorite actress. She's also a feisty redhead, so I'd love to pair her with Karen, sit back and watch them tease me together. I'd also love to try to get out of her what she whispered to John Wayne at the end of The Quiet Man, even though I know that won't happen.
Condoleeza Rice is an exceedingly gifted and therefore interesting woman. With all her accomplishments, I'd love to discuss with her NFL football, since she wants to be the commissioner. I'd also like to discuss with her her recent membership in Augusta.
Carlos Ruíz Zafón wrote one of the most memorable books I've ever read, La sombra del viento. Even if the book hadn't been any good, the title alone -- The Shadow of the Wind -- sends chills down my spine. I can't remember a book that captivated me so much from the opening pages. And since I've been to Barcelona a few times, I'd like to discuss his hometown with him.
Tom Colicchio is another chef whose notoriety derives more from being the head judge on one of my two favorite reality shows, Top Chef. Besides being a great chef, he just seems like a great guy.
George Herbert Walker Bush is a man who served his country in many different capacities. Despite this, there doesn't seem to be a trace of conceit in him. I think he'd be a hoot with anecdotes from his past.
Julia Roberts gets the label Pretty Woman from the movie in which she starred. No matter, she just seems like a fun person, a person with whom I'd have a beer. And she's another person with a great laugh.
Gary Sinise is a gifted actor and a talented musician, but more than anything, he's a philanthropist who gives without seeking the limelight. He may be somewhat quiet, but I think he'd be an interesting dinner guest.
Sandra Day O'Connor would be highly interesting. Apart from being the first female Supreme Court Justice, she's led an interesting life outside the law. I think discussing anything with her would be memorable.
I'm sure there are other people I'm forgetting, so later I'll have another dinner and invite different guests.
(c) 2012 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles
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