There are some things I just don't understand. I don't mean intrinsically -- I mean the action themselves I understand. But why anyone in his or her right mind would want to engage in them boggles my mind.
To wit: Who thought it would be a great idea to ingest smoke into one's lungs for pleasure? People die from smoke inhalation, for crying out loud. What could possibly be healthy about this??? Then, when it was discovered the tobacco companies had lied about the addictive effects of nicotine...people continued to smoke. Now, I understand that those already addicted would continue to smoke, but what about younger people who had never smoked a day in their lives who ostensibly were against Big Business, etc., and who had been availed of the information their parents and grandparents lacked?
Gambling. Why would you possibly take a risk of losing money on the off chance a pair of dice or a ball hurtling around a spinning roulette wheel will land favorably for you? What control do you have of the outcome? Where does skill enter into this?
Tattoes. With the possible exception of pirates, is there anyone who really needs to put ink under his skin? I can almost make an exception for someone who discreetly has a tattoo placed where no one but his or her lover can see it, although even that escapes my comprehension. But when you deck yourself out as some sort of walking billboard, I fail to understand the reasoning. Basketball players, actors and actresses and rappers all seem to have drunk the Kool-Aid. I can't wait for thirty years to pass so we can see how ridiculous these fools look.
Piercings. I fully understand earrings and have no truck with them. But nose rings, lip rings, belly rings...and other body parts? Why? In what way do those make a person look more attractive?
There are more things, I'm sure, but these things really mystify me.
(c) 2012 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles
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