Sunday, January 26, 2025

Liberal Hypocrites

 I have long contended that when it comes to politics, Republicans are arrogant, and Democrats are liberals.  Remember, I consider myself a Marxist, as in I would never join a club that would have me as a member.  Republicans like to pat the electorate on the head and patronizingly tell us that they know how to handle everything, that we should just shut up and vote for them because they'll handle everything.  Democrats, on the other hand, will look us in the eye, tell us one thing and then do whatever they want.  Nothing proved the latter more tellingly than the inauguration of Donald Trump for his second term.

This was a man who Democrats and their Leftist foot soldiers maligned, besmirched and pilloried for the last eight years at a nazi, a fascist, an idiot and a dictator, among other epithets.  He was the second coming of Hitler.  All manner of dirty tricks were employed to stop him from becoming president, then subvert his administration, then to defeat him in the second election, then to prevent him from every running again, then to defeat him at the ballot box.  Lawfare, a new tool, was employed at the state and federal level, which ultimately failed.  Not even the MSM could hide the shoddy attempts that all failed miserably.

But now, given the mandate that was the 2024 election, and considering how miserably the Left failed in all their attempts, there seems to be a change of heart among some on the Left.

Mark Zuckerberg, the feckless head of Meta, formerly known as Facebook, is making the rounds complaining how the Biden administration twisted his corporate arm to act as its surrogate to suppress stories that would have been injurious to it and its election hopes, beginning in 2020.  Funny, but when it was happening, Zuck didn't complain at all.  He bobbed and weaved, claiming that is brainchild was protecting the country from misinformation, when all along he knew that the stories were true.  Only now, once Biden can do him no more harm, is he coming clean -- after denying it for four years.  

Snoop Dog, who called fellow blacks Uncle Toms for supporting Trump in 2016 and threatened to roast the fuck out of people for similar support, performed at one of Trump's inauguration balls in 2024.  My how the worm has turned.

Then, to add insult to injury, at the actual inauguration, Zuck, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos (who also owns the Washington Post) and Sundar Pichai, head of Google, appeared with Elon Musk.  Only the latter supported Trump when he faced the lawfare; the others acted like Francisco Franco did toward the end of World War II and supported Biden until it was evident that his administration was on the way out.

Cowards and liars all, save Musk.

The saying goes that if one doesn't stand for something one will fall for anything.  In this case, the move made by Zuck, Pichai, Bezos and Snoop wasn't the result of them falling for anything but trying to save their hides before they fell under the tidal wave that occurred in November's election.  Desperate to remain in power, not to mention relevant, they saw the writing on the wall and chose to eat crow as the price of keeping what mattered most to them, their principles be damned.

And what of President Trump?  I know that if I were in his position, I wouldn't let those jackasses withing one hundred miles of my inauguration, but he plays by different rules.  Keeping one's friends close but one's enemies closer, the President has now made them beholden to him.  Seeking federal backing for AI, these spineless Leftists chose to abandon their questionable politics so that their businesses could eat at the federal trough.  If all battle plans fall apart at the first sound of gunfire, so do Leftist principles founder at the first sound of Republican victories...and the sound of cash being dispensed.

I loathe the Left.  Not necessarily its policies, because some are worthwhile.  The lack of actual principle, however, is enervating.

In the next post we'll discuss family behavior in the wake of the election.

(c) 2025 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles