Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Effort to Defeat Trump

 There is no limit to which the Left will not go to defeat Donald Trump.

It has lied about him.

It has committed lawfare against him.

It has tried to assassinate him...twice.

And there are useful idiots throughout this country that accept all of this because their hatred of this man is greater than their love for their country.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are a comedy duo running for office.  If anyone made an honest assessment of these fools there is no way that they would be elected.  Nevermind their obvious character flaws (Trump has his own; more on them anon); their policies are borderline communist and their abilities are nonexistent.  Add to that that they are allergic to the truth and it's a wonder anyone would vote for either of them, let along them as a ticket.

Trump is flawed personally.  He was a philanderer, he's boastful, he's petty, he's a name caller and he misrepresents things just as much as Harris-Walz.  He's not someone who is going to be inducted to an honor society any time soon.

But when the policies of the candidates are compared, there is no comparison.  The policies of the Biden-Harris administration have been ruinous for the country.  The economy, the border, international relations, energy, DEI, the First Amendment, student loan forgiveness -- nothing has gone right.  Bidenomics, touted as the savior of the economy, is a chimera.  Literally nothing has benefited the country that this administration has attempted.

Trump's policies, on the other hand, did reasonably well for the country.  There were some misfires -- that usually happens -- but on average, the country benefited from his policies.  In exchange the country had to put up with his boorish behavior.  But which was worse for the country?

The MSM's assistance of the Left is treasonous.  For years, I've been trying to figure out a way for it to be put on trial.  There is no way to do it.  Finally, however, I've figured it out:  Drug them with sodium thiopental, or truth serum, and then ask them questions while they're being taped.  It's the only way for the public to see just how the Fourth Estate has been a Fifth Column.

I will vote for Trump and Vance.  For me the choice is clear:  Harris-Walz should be nowhere near the Oval Office.

Besides, if Trump is elected he can't run again.

But at least the country will see the wisdom of putting up with boorish behavior is the policies benefit the country.

(c) 2024 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles