Now that we finally have the Durham Report, which investigated the whole notion of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign, let the questions begin.
First, here's the link to the report:
Now, the questions:
-- When will Cankles be forced to answer for what she's done to the country and to Donald Trump?
-- Will any responsible journalist ask Cankles about her involvement in the Steele dossier and the funding of the effort to brand Donald Trump as a Russian agent?
-- When will St Barack be forced to answer about his knowledge of the plot and the fact he did nothing to stop it?
-- Is there any punishment available for the intelligence officers -- Comey, Brennan, Clapper, etc. -- and the FBI underlings -- Page, Strzok, etc. -- who perpetuated the fraud on the American people?
-- Will anyone begin investigating the Bidens and their criminal family enterprise that participated in this hoax to give the family cover to engage in more corruption?
-- Does the Pulitzer Prize Committee rescind the prizes it awarded to the Washington Post and the New York Times for its shoddy investigative reporting and its likely involvement in perpetuating the Russian Collusion Hoax on the American people?
-- Can Merrick Garland be impeached for abdicating his responsibility as Attorney General to put a special counsel in place to investigate, independently, the government's complicity in the hoax?
-- Likewise, can Garland put in place a special counsel to investigate corruption at the FBI and the CIA?
-- Will Congress tweak Section 230 to provide some measure of oversight on social media companies to prevent their interference on the transmission of opposing viewpoints that run counter to their political affiliations?
-- Do the American people owe Donald Trump an apology for not only accusing him of being a Russian agent but also for believing it?
-- What can be done to prevent this from happening again?
(c) 2023 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles