On August 10, 2016, Tony Timpa was killed by Dallas police. Mr. Timpa was white.
On March 31, 2020, Edward Bronstein was killed by California Highway Patrol officers. Mr. Bronstein was white.
On May 25, 2020, George Floyd was killed by Minneapolis police. Mr. Floyd was black.
Only one of these murders made national headlines.
The murder of George Floyd sparked nationwide protests, riots and a movement to defund the police.
The murders of Tony Timpa and Edward Bronstein barely made national news.
Today, I was listening to a podcast when I first learned of the murders of Mr. Timpa and Mr. Bronstein. I was gobsmacked. Where was the outrage in the MSM for these heinous murders? I'd like to think I'm fairly well informed, but I'd never heard these men's names, much less what happened to them.
I'm livid. Not that two white men were murdered, but that two men were murdered in by police, -- one of them -- Mr. Bronstein -- in a fashion eerily similar to the method employed to kill Mr. Floyd. Yet nary a word was mentioned in the MSM. No panels were conducted on police brutality, no calls for defunding the police were made, no riots ensued. No politicians took to the floors of the House or Senate to descry the obvious violations of the decedents' civil rights. Man of Dementia said nothing. It's as if these deaths didn't occur.
This week, that proto-racist Caryn Elaine Johnson on The View suggested that perhaps the killings of black men, such as Tyre Nichols, wouldn't happen so much if white people were killed like black people were being killed by the police. Interestingly, tenured Professor Roland Fryer of Harvard published a paper with his findings that blacks were not more likely to be shot by police than whites. Professor Fryer is a genius. For his troubles, the woke mob invoked #MeToo attacks on him, other professors criticized his methodology and Harvard ultimately suspended him for two years, then closed his lab and forbade him from hiring assistants. He can only teach graduate courses. A documentary has been produced that posits that the allegations against Professor Fryer are merely a sham to allow Harvard to smear him and his study, thereby discrediting both.
All three deaths were the result of police conduct that was criminal and actionable. Three men lost their lives unnecessarily. But given that two of the three were white, it can't be that the deaths were result of white supremacy or racist behavior.
I have long argued that, as with any profession, there is good and bad. The police are no different. There's an Internal Affairs division for a reason. Even within the legal profession there is good and bad. I know this firsthand: At one of my last jobs, the person who was hired to replace me after I left the firm was later charged with and found guilty of being a peeping Tom. Not once, but twice, the second time while wearing an ankle monitor. Ironically, perhaps, this attorney is black.
When it comes to police malfeasance, I submit that this is Barney Fife Syndrome. Those familiar with the Andy Griffith Show will remember the feckless deputy who thought he was big and bad because he carried a badge and a guy. There are, I submit, cops that have that mindset in this country. Sure, sadly there are racists in our society; I'm convinced a judge before whom I appear now and then is a racist. He, too, is black. So I'm not suggesting that racism is dead and gone in this country. I know it exists. But given its status as a lightning rod, I suggest that we look first at other reasons for the misbehavior. Finding that a cop has an inferiority complex, a God complex or a need to overcome how he was treated in high school is not nearly as divisive as branding the cops are racist.
Politically, I'm a Marxist: I'd never join a club that would have me as a member. The Democrats and the Republicans are more partisan than we've ever seen them, but to a degree, that's natural. Political parties are necessarily partisan.
But the MSM that claims to front power with the truth, is the real enemy. Its selective story telling, its editorial ways, its condescension to the very public it claims to serve, is the bigger problem. The Fourth Estate has become a Fifth Column.
(c) 2023 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles
PD: If Mr. Timpa and Mr. Bronstein are googled, videos similar to the one shown ad nauseum about Mr. Floyd's murder can be found.