We're six months in on this dumpster fire known as the Biden Administration, and it's going horribly, not that you'd know that if you listened to the MSM. As always, the Left's cheerleaders can't or won't comment on the emperor's clothes, preferring instead to continue to bash Donald Trump and blame all the bad things coming out of Washington in him and his administration. Cognitive Dissonance has reached new lows.
Biden wasn't expected to be much punkin', as Karen would say. He'd been in politics for nearly a half century, was doddering during the campaign and spent most of the time leading up to the election in his basement, conveniently blaming Covid when anyone with a pair of eyeballs knew it was his handlers' attempts to keep him away from cameras where his next faux pas could be captured for posterity.
Aligning himself with that harridan of Blair House, Kamala Harris -- or as one wag has anointed her Cackling Pantsuit -- didn't help him much. After being feted by the fawning MSM in the first couple of months of being Vice President, she's been derided for a series of missteps including rambling incessantly about the root causes of immigration, not giving a press conference for over two months after being put in charge of the border, not going to the border until former President Trump announced his upcoming visit and then going to the most secure part of the border that just happens to have more border all built than any other part of the southern border.
Texas has announced it will begin building its wall. The LA Times has come out and said that the Vice President's record so far is disappointing. The Man of Dementia, as seen here:
attended the G-7 meeting followed by a summit, of sorts, with Vladimir Putin wherein he gave the former KGB agent a list of sixteen sites that were off limit to hacking...thereby suggesting, by omission, that anything not on the list wouldn't disturb us and shouldn't cause the Russian government to crack down on private Russian hackers. China is emboldened by the weakness of the Man of Dementia, refusing to allow anyone to learn the truth of what happened in Wuhan. Hunter Biden, the dissolute son of the POTUS, continues to sully the family name, selling his artwork to sycophants for upwards of $500,000 while paying $25,000 for a Russian prostitute. Biden's younger sister has now been given a book deal, while patronage runs rampant in the White House.
Nothing to see here, folks.
Meanwhile, Joe Sixpack is faced with onset inflation, gas prices that are now over $4 and even $5 in some places, while at the same time being paid to stay home by pork barrel legislation that insists that people get tax money not to work. The much-needed infrastructure bill has now become one of the largest excesses in congressional spending, with Orwellian rhetoric stretching the meaning of infrastructure from roads, bridges and buildings to include so-called human infrastructure, or day care, teacher raises and other nonsense that's already been provided for in the earlier stimulus packages. All the while, the Man of Dementia insists that taxes on anyone earning less than $400,000 will not be increased. Just how in the hell does he expect to pay for this?
So now, the countdown clock on the ascension of Cackling Pantsuit to the presidency begins in earnest. Some squares sold for six months, but that was never going to happen. Two years was the more popular choice, but now it looks as if the lesser of two evils must be debated: Will it be the Man of Dementia for the full four years, or does Cackling Pantsuit get a two-year trial run?
Either way, the country is screwed.
Republicans are licking their chops at both the midterms and the 2024 general election. From all indications they'll win in both elections.
They'd better not screw it up. From all indications, they'll have a lot of work to do.
(c) 2021 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles