Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Gun Control Hypocrisy

This is becoming redundant, almost like it's scripted.  There was another shooting at a college last week, this time at Umpqua Community College in Oregon.  Almost immediately a few things were clear:

--  The President was going to call for gun control

--  The MSM was going to assail white Republicans for the shooting

--  Little attention was going to be paid to the issue of mental health

It's getting tiresome.  Sure, the killings were tragic, but so are deaths by car accident, drug overdose, suicide and cancer.  What's more, there are plenty of things that are used to kill people, some much more than firearms.  And as of this date -- at least I haven't heard -- it still isn't clear that the shootings were committed with the use of a long gun or a pistol, yet the drumbeat for the control and confiscation of long guns is growing louder and louder.

There are millions of firearms owners who legally possess and operate, for lack of a better term, their weapons.  I count myself among them, proudly.  Most of these firearms are used either in home defense, hunting or sport shooting.  The deaths caused by firearms, according to statistics, come from weapons used by people with mental issues or criminals, not people legally allowed to own firearms. And most of these deaths are caused by handguns.

But one would never know it given the White House and MSM's blitz.  Although nine people were killed in the Oregon shooting, the twenty-one deaths over the weekend in Chicago barely merited mention by the MSM and were completely ignored by the White House.  It's gotten so bad that pundits are taking shots -- figuratively, of course, at the White House:

There are two reasons the White House and its press organ -- the MSM -- refused to acknowledge the plague of gun deaths in Chicago:  To do so would shine a light on the fact that the city with one of the most stringent set of gun control laws has one of the highest rates of gun deaths in the nation, and it would cast a pall on one of the President's favorites, Rahm Emanuel.  Nevermind that innocent and not so innocent civilians are dying from firearms that were, in all likelihood, illegally obtained.  The Oregon shooter apparently had obtained his weapons legally.  The problem with him is that he had mental issues.  But to quote Mr. Obama's good friend Rahm Emanuel, why let a good crisis go to waste?  Blasting a white shooter (although he's actually biracial) for killing people in a school is infinitely sexier than taking black thugs from Mr. Obama's old neighborhood to task for shooting up the 'hood.

The political thrust of all this is transparent.  This president has no interest in being fair or playing by the rules.  He only cares about creating a legacy for himself.

It'll be interesting to see how, when Mr. Obama's shrine to himself is built on the South Side of Chicago, how many armed guards there are around his pleasure palace.

(c) 2015 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles