Saturday, August 22, 2015

Bernie, Cankles and Trump

Since I last posted, a lot has blown up regarding the ongoing presidential primaries.  It would seem that the world has been turned on its political head with the doings involving Bernie Sanders, Cankles and Donald Trump.  We'll look at each in turn.

Mr. Sanders is a self-professed socialist, although for convenience's sake he flies under the Democratic banner.  Socialism doesn't have the best reputation in a capitalist society, and with purely socialist and communist countries dying on the vine it's probably best that Mr. Sanders hew to a more traditional party.  From relative obscurity in Vermont to the United States Senate, Mr. Sanders has emerged as a contender for the Democratic nomination for President.  This rise, unexpected as it was, has gone on in relative silence, given the lack of attention from the MSM.  Sure, they note his rising numbers, but only in connection with the downtrending numbers of the putative Democratic nominee, Cankles.  His one moment in the sun came when that scurrilous movement Black Lives Matter interrupted a rally at which Mr. Sanders was to give his socialist pablum to the masses.  Ironically, his message would be to help those in the Black Lives Matter movement more than most, but what did they care.

If Mr. Sanders wins the Democratic nomination for President, the Democrats are in trouble.  Perhaps with an eye to that eventuality the Democrats, with their other eye trained on Cankles' problems, are beginning to search for other viable alternatives, namely Uncle Joe and Al Gore.  It's beginning to look like retreaded major league managers in the Democratic ranks.

My opinion is that Mr. Sanders, should he get the nomination, doesn't stand a chance of becoming President unless there's a violent revolution in this country.  That being said, conservatives, and not liberals, own most of the guns here, so I'm not too worried.

Cankles has stepped in it.  She's stepped in it so deeply that not even her erstwhile husband, Slick Willy, has been heard from for the past couple of weeks.  People are likening the server to the blue dress.  I don't think that Cankles will pull out of the race, being too vainglorious for that.  She'll go down in flames and blame it on a vast right-wing sexist conspiracy.

Besides Slick Willy's disappearing act what surprises me most about Cankles's campaign is that it continues to draw people to it like moth to a flame.  Are these people dumb, deaf and blind? Seriously:  The woman can't be trusted for a second, she has all the charisma of wet paper and the rumors are that she treats people around her like crap, yet there are still people championing her cause.  And don't forget the hypocrisy:  She made $25M last year but wants to boost the little guy. Yeah, right.  And I'm GQ's next cover model.

The next few months will be interesting, what with congressional hearings, movies and who knows what else popping up to keep Cankles off her game.  And that's just the start of it.  She may actually be confronted by someone who won't be cowed by her and her nonsense.

Which brings us to Donald Trump.

I'm not awed by celebrity.  Yeah, I watched The Celebrity Apprentice, but not for him.  It used to drive me nuts seeing people fawning all over him, referring to him with his title.  Like Mr. Sanders, I don't believe Donald Trump will be President...but then again, he may be.  He reminds me of a former boss who used to have commercials running on television every hour of the day.  One day, while I was in a consultation with a client, Pete walked in, which almost caused the client to keel over.  You're the guy in the commercial!, he shouted as he pointed to him.  It was as if the Second Coming had been manifested in the unlikely personage of an egomaniacal, coke-snorting lawyer on his third marriage who believed the movie Primal Fear was based on his career (because the Richard Gere character was a lawyer and drove the same kind of Mercedes; I' m not kidding).

Trump is a bombastic, egomaniacal blowhard who, like Pete, comes up with some good ideas sometimes.  I do appreciate how he's willing to speak his mind.  I like that he's not politically correct. And I like that he won't be using tax dollars for his campaign.  But that's where my admiration ends for the man.  He may well be the Republican nominee, which would put me in a quandary.  The last thing I want is someone unable to spell tact calling Vladimir Putin and calling him names.  At the same time, if the majority elects him, who am I to object?

We've had worse.  Just this week former President Carter announced he has brain cancer, which is sad.  Unfortunately, his dilemma is almost a metaphor for what's going on in our political arena these days.  He has four spots on his brain affected by cancer.  We the American public have a socialist, a liar and a blowhard with other incompetents (Uncle Joe and Mr. Global Warming) waiting in the wings.

All this does is prove Plato's theory about democracy correct.

Heaven help us.

(c) 2015 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Planned Parenthood, II

Another week, another series of disgusting, undercover videos.  Almost as disgusting as the videos themselves have been the attempts of apologists to justify what the videos depict.

There's an old saying in the law that goes something like this:  If you have the facts on your side, pound the facts.  If you have the law on your side, pound the law.  If you have neither on your side, pound the table.  There's a lot of table pounding going on on the Left these days.

Starting at the bottom, actress Debra Messing was so upset about the shooting of Cecil the Lion in Zimbabwe by the misguided (literally, it would seem) dentist that she took to Twitter to vent her outrage:  SHAME ON HIM!  I want them to take his citizenship away.  I'm ashamed and horrified by what he did.

A quick perusal of Ms. Messing's Twitter feed (if I did it right; I'm not a Twitterer) shows no such outrage for the Planned Parenthood scandal, but plenty of follow up Tweets about Cecil the Lion, including his last photograph.

Interestingly, Ms. Messing is a graduate of Brandeis University and NYU.  Justice Louis Brandeis, for whom her alma mater is named, once famously wrote that sunlight is the best disinfectant.  Ms. Messing has taken that to heart, shining a bright light on the lion controversy but keeping the abortionists baby parts scandal hidden conveniently in the dark part of her Twitter.

Next on the hit parade of idiots conflating issues so as to deflect from the real matter is actress Kristen Bell.  Take a gander at her proud stance in support of the abortionists/parts dealers:

Yep, that's what this is all about.  There are so many different ways to approach this -- hair color, profession, age -- but I revert to the age old dictum res ipsa loquitur.

Countless other actresses trying to seem resolute and erudite have joined the crusade to save funding for the abortionists/parts dealers: Kerry Washington, Scarlett Johansson, Lena Dunham, Julianne Moore and Elizabeth Banks, among others.  In every case, they've taken up the battle cry to protect women's reproductive rights, as if that is what the issue is.

Not to be outdone, Leftist politicians are leading the charge, claiming as do their acolytes that the fight is really about women's reproductive health.  Elizabeth Warren, Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi and that noted weather vane Hillary Clinton are urging supporters to stand with Planned Parenthood. Their rallying cry is to protect funding for women's reproductive health.  They;re even calling for investigations of the people who surreptitiously filmed the discussions over prices.  Funny, they never called for an investigation over the guy who filmed Mitt Romney when he made his ill-advised comment about the 47%.  Then again, why would they?

Let's be clear on one thing:  This has nothing to do with overturning Roe v. Wade, outlawing abortion otherwise or meddling with women's reproductive health.  Logically, when the marketing of an aborted baby's body parts is at issue, the reproductive part of the equation is over.  This has nothing to do with a woman's right to choose what is being done to or with her body.  This has everything to do with the dismemberment and sale of an aborted child's remains.

If anything, I'm shocked that the attack isn't about the right of the mother to share in the profits of her aborted child's remains.  Taking their illogical argument a step or two further, it would make more sense if they were arguing that Planned Parenthood ought to be forced to cut them in on the profits. After all, isn't this a product of their actions?  Why should Planned Parenthood get to profit?

Spare us the sanctimonious call for fetal research.  This is about the gruesome and ghoulish practice of dismembering human remains of children who were killed as insensitively as were the Jews by the Nazis.

I'm not surprised by the Left's attempts to deflect attention from the central issue.  It saves them from explaining their support for abortion.

No matter how it's sliced, this is disgusting and not worthy of civilized society.

Unless, of course, it depends on what civilized means...

(c) 2015 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles