Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Effort to Defeat Trump

 There is no limit to which the Left will not go to defeat Donald Trump.

It has lied about him.

It has committed lawfare against him.

It has tried to assassinate him...twice.

And there are useful idiots throughout this country that accept all of this because their hatred of this man is greater than their love for their country.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are a comedy duo running for office.  If anyone made an honest assessment of these fools there is no way that they would be elected.  Nevermind their obvious character flaws (Trump has his own; more on them anon); their policies are borderline communist and their abilities are nonexistent.  Add to that that they are allergic to the truth and it's a wonder anyone would vote for either of them, let along them as a ticket.

Trump is flawed personally.  He was a philanderer, he's boastful, he's petty, he's a name caller and he misrepresents things just as much as Harris-Walz.  He's not someone who is going to be inducted to an honor society any time soon.

But when the policies of the candidates are compared, there is no comparison.  The policies of the Biden-Harris administration have been ruinous for the country.  The economy, the border, international relations, energy, DEI, the First Amendment, student loan forgiveness -- nothing has gone right.  Bidenomics, touted as the savior of the economy, is a chimera.  Literally nothing has benefited the country that this administration has attempted.

Trump's policies, on the other hand, did reasonably well for the country.  There were some misfires -- that usually happens -- but on average, the country benefited from his policies.  In exchange the country had to put up with his boorish behavior.  But which was worse for the country?

The MSM's assistance of the Left is treasonous.  For years, I've been trying to figure out a way for it to be put on trial.  There is no way to do it.  Finally, however, I've figured it out:  Drug them with sodium thiopental, or truth serum, and then ask them questions while they're being taped.  It's the only way for the public to see just how the Fourth Estate has been a Fifth Column.

I will vote for Trump and Vance.  For me the choice is clear:  Harris-Walz should be nowhere near the Oval Office.

Besides, if Trump is elected he can't run again.

But at least the country will see the wisdom of putting up with boorish behavior is the policies benefit the country.

(c) 2024 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Left's Lie of Reproductive Rights and Abortion

 The Left is shameless.  The way it thinks it's going to win the Presidency is by toting out a hapless black woman and beating the drum on regaining universal rights for reproduction and abortion.  The only nuance is that the former is mentioned far more than the latter, since in the Left's mind, it includes the latter.  Therein lies the lie.

As far as I know, the Right doesn't oppose contraception.  It does oppose, rightly in my opinion, radical abortion on demand, exclusive of the health of the mother.  There is a very tetchy grey area involving rape and incest which, frankly, I understand but, from what I understand, is also a very small percentage of cases.  But insofar as contraception is concerned, I don't believe the Right opposes it.

Just looking at the word contraception should give the Left a hint:  It means against conception or to prevent conception.  That necessarily means that reproduction is to be prevented by the use of birth control.  The SCOTUS has ruled that contraception must be available to citizens, so that's not even an issue.  But the way the Left argues, even contraception is on the ballot.

No one on the right is telling women they can't reproduce.  They're not telling them how to reproduce.  What we're saying is that murdering an unborn child (outside the noted exceptions) is not reproductive right; it is murder.  I'm not going to get into the details of what is euphemistically referred to as a D&C, but it's horrific.  But necessarily, use of contraception is not part of reproduction.  It is in fact the antithesis of reproduction, and no one is arguing that contraception be banned.

But the Left would have you believe that the Right wants some Handmaiden's Tale reality where women are at the beck and call of men for breeding.  That's untrue.  What we want is the end of the wholesale slaughter of innocent lives that the Left sophistically won't admit is human life in utero.  The Left will twist itself into knots arguing that it's an embryo, not a baby, and therefore cannot be killed.

Yet these same people never argue that a child in utero should not inherit property, which they can, or that a pregnant woman who is killed counts as two deaths, one for her and one for her unborn child.  Consistency is not the Left's strong suit.

So while the DNC has Planned Parenthood outside the United Center offering free vasectomies and abortions, the Left skirts the issue of human life murdered for convenience and instead shouts that it wants universal reproductive rights, unaware of the inherent contradiction in its argument.

I pray for all the murdered souls that have been lost through abortion.

May God have mercy on their souls and on the souls of the abortionists.

(c) 2024 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Here Comes the Kamaleon

 So, no one fucks with a Biden, eh?

I guess someone -- or someones -- fucked with him, because he's no longer the Democratic candidate for president.  Pelosi, Schumer and, of all people, George Clooney conspired to take him out.  They're going to lionize him at the DNC convention this week, but he's basically being put out to pasture.  I guess the Chinese-Romanian-Russian gravy train has left the station, never to return.

In his place is that Queen of Word Salads, Kamala Harris.  The woman who couldn't put a cogent sentence together on her own if he life depended on it is now being touted as competent enough to launch nuclear weapons.  She's so gifted that since she was anointed, unofficially, as Biden's replacement she hasn't had one press conference or interview in nearly four weeks.

What's even funnier, she's now trying to show that we didn't see or hear what we saw or heard over the last four years.  O' no, she's not an extreme Leftist.  She's a moderate.  In fact, she's...positively Trumpian.  She's claiming positions that are diametrically opposite from the ones she's taken over the last seven years and which former President Trump has stated as his positions over the same period of time.

But my theory has always been this:  Biden has been setting her up for this epic fail.  Follow along.

During the 2016 primaries, Kamala accused Joe of being a racist.  Reports have Jill saying something along the lines of fuck that bitch at fundraisers.  Then, out of the blue, Joe announces her as his running mate.  Why?  Well, she's black and a woman, which endears him to vacuous Leftists who only vote based on quotas, not issues.

Then they get elected and he gives her a lightning rod of a job:  Immigration.  And what does she do with it? At his direction, she allows more than ten million illegals into the country.  She also has a few other thankless tasks thrown in.  But whispers also begin to surface about how she runs her office, how she never prepares, how she is thought to be mindless and ineffective.  And does Joe support her?  He only recently has come out and said things favorable about her...after he was forced out.

So he's hamstrung her from the beginning, almost ensuring that she's going to be an epic failure.  If only Trump would focus on the issues and stop the ad hominem attacks -- as tempting as they are -- and work at political jui jitsu, he'd win in a landslide.

Our country's future depends on it.

(C) 2024 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles

Sunday, January 21, 2024


 I'm now sixty-three-years-old.  I'm far too old to care what others think about me.  This cuts both ways, of course, as Karen tells me all the time.  For a long time now I've valued being true to myself more than trying to curry favor with other people.

That being said, here are some things about which I'm intransigent, stubborn and defiant.

--  I miss Jim Croce, John Denver and Dan Fogelberg.  Many regard their music disdainfully, usually labeling it as elevator music.  I believe those people are wrong.  I love their music.  That they all died far too soon is sad beyond belief.  I wonder what other beautiful songs they could have recorded.

--  If someone turns on their signal to change a lane in front of me, that does not grant the person carte blanche to take the spot.  It signals that person's intention.  I am not obligated to let that person in in front of me.

--  I'm not sorry.  Abortion as an elective surgery is morally wrong.  There are situations where abortion is necessary.  But this notion that abortion is one option for birth control is logically incongruous and morally wrong.

--  I will never root for the University of Michigan football and basketball teams.  

--  If an artist comes out and denounces not only President Trump but anyone who disagrees with him or her simply because we don't bend the knee at the altar of Obama, I won't watch any of his movies or listen to any of his music.

--  My brother told me a high school classmate reached out to him asking him to contact me about attending our reunion.  I have no interest in ever reuniting with people who barely tolerated me in high school and then lost all interest in my once we graduated.

-- I can't stomach modern-day musicals.

-- I won't eat cooked eggs.

-- DEI is stupid.  Treat everyone with respect and hire the best person regardless of race or sex.  If, however, you only hire white men, something's wrong, because there are plenty of minorities and women out there who could teach white men a thing or two.

-- The island of Ireland should be united.  Until it is, I will not step foot in England.

-- Michael Jordan is better than LeBron James on the court.  James is a better person off the court.

(c) 2024 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Odds and Ends

 I've had some disparate thoughts lately:

--  I miss Jim Croce, John Denver and Dan Fogelberg.  Yeah, I listen to Van Halen, Metallica and AC/DC, but those three guys knew how to write songs.  I will never be ashamed to admit I like that music.

--  What is it that prompts some people to think they're more important than everyone else.  I'm amazed at people who feel the need to weave in heavy traffic simply to move up a spot or two in the lane.

--  So now Elizabeth Warren has come out and admitted she blew it when it came to her support for Obamacare.  Duh.

--  Although I'm very sad at the state of our country, I'm glad knowing that I don't have much longer to live in it.  That is, I may have another twenty-five years at best, and with the way things are going in this country, it's going to be ruined before too long unless something arrests that movement.

--  Before I go, however, I really want to see the aurora borealis.  There has been a lot of AB activity this year, some of it in northern Michigan.  It's absolutely amazing.  If I ever did see it I'm sure I'd be dumbstruck.

-- I'm getting the itch to resume writing.  I only have about four books in mind, one on my year in Spain, one about owning bulldogs, one about the legal profession and a novel based on my favorite sonnet.  We'll see.

--  I notice that as I age I'm getting more aches and pains for no good reason.  Getting up out of a chair is painful, walking up stairs is painful, lying in bed certain ways is painful.  Whoever said that hardest thing in life was getting old certainly knew what he was talking about.

--  Karen and I are headed to the Cayman Islands in the near future.  She really needs a beach vacation.  For all that she's done for other people, she needs something that is specifically devoted to her.

--  My family relations maxim is on point.  I dare anyone to argue it.

--  Television isn't getting any better.

--  We go to bed earlier and earlier these days.  It's not unusual for us to be in bed by 8.30p.

--  I want to buy more firearms and load up on ammunition.  Biden can't go fast enough.

--  I'm darned good at my job.  Just sayin'.

(c) 2023 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Musicians' Deaths

 A few years ago, precisely 2016, there were a lot of very famous musicians who died.  It seemed like every week another world-famous musician died.  The list is quite stunning:

Prince, David Bowie, Ralph Stanley, George Michael, Leonard Cohen, Maurice White, Leon Russell, Glenn Frey, Paul Kantner, Jody Feek, Juan Gabriel...the obits never stopped.  

The old saw that famous deaths come in threes was blown up in 2016.

The next year there were some notable deaths -- Tom Petty, Greg Allman, Al Jarreau -- but the volume of famous musician deaths was considerably smaller.

Then came 2023.  It's like 2016 all over again.

Gary Wright, Tony Bennett, Jimmy Buffett, Steve Harwell, Burt Bacharach, Lisa Marie Presley (I guess... she qualifies...?), David Crosby, Harry Belafonte, Jeff Beck, Robbie Bachman, Gordon Lightfoot, Tina Turner, George Winston, Sinead O'Connor, Charlie Robison, Roger Whittaker...and we're only in September.

I'm not suggesting that there's a cluster or a conspiracy, but I find it odd that certain years feature more deaths of musicians than others.  I'm sure the same occurs with athletes, or politicians or even Nobel Prize winners, but somehow it's shocking to me when so many famous people in one class die in a given year.

I notice patterns.

It's what I do.

(c) 2023 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles 

Sunday, September 17, 2023

The Jose Canseco Effect and the Truth

It would seem any time an allegation is made that is injurious to the Left's cause or one of its darlings, it is immediately called into question.  Either the story is ridiculed as Russian disinformation, or the story is labeled a fabrication, or the source of the story is assailed and pilloried, or it's a combination of all three.  It's almost a knee-jerk reaction any time something surfaces that reflects badly on the Left, one of its cherished members or one of its platform issues.

Typically, if reporting is from any right-wing news organ, it's automatically deemed propaganda.  Cankles' infamous declaration of a vast right-wing conspiracy has given birth to numerous variations of this theme, and Leftist PACs dedicate infinite time and money to trying to destroy the allegations.  Sometimes, these counterattacks have merit.  Many times, as we've seen recently, they are utterly meritless.  Almost always, doubt is cast on the source of the story or the reporting agency, either of which has an agenda that is divorced from reality, according to the Left.

This is especially try if either Donald Trump or Fox News brings to light a story about questionable Leftist conduct.  As if on cue, various Leftist outlets descry the story as Russian disinformation, madness from Mr. Trump or figments of the Right's imagination.

Years ago, a baseball player named Jose Canseco wrote a book called Juiced, in which he outed himself and other players for using PEDs.  The book and its author were roundly dismissed, largely because Canseco, himself a lout, was viewed with great disfavor for his extra-curricular activities.  In truth, Canseco was hard to believe, since he engaged in clownish behavior and sought endless publicity for himself.  This was later borne out with his failed attempts at boxing, MMA and wrestling.

The odd thing, however, is that Canseco was telling the truth.  Several very successful fellow players were later forced to admit that they used PEDs after denying using them repeatedly.  Canseco reputation never rebounded, despite the fact that he was vindicated.

The phrase don't kill the messenger is widely known, attributed to Sophocles in his play Antigone:  For no man delights in the bearer of bad news.  Yet, instead of killing the messenger, the Left discredits, deplatforms and dismisses the messenger, especially if it's Donald Trump or Fox News. 

Now, however, the Left is eating massive amounts of crow.  Whether it be reports about the criminal family enterprise known as the Bidens, or the endless idiocy of the Harridan of Blair House, or Man of Dementia's worrisome mental decline, or the state of the southern border, the Left -- through its organ the MSM -- is now forced to admit that not only are these stories true, they are cataclysmically true.  The Left dances a fine line trying to admit that stories are true after poo-pooing them, while at the same time defending their paladins from blame.  It's quite laughable, were it not so blatantly false.  Had someone on the Left had the testicular fortitude to admit that either Mr. Trump or the Right may have been right, the contortions in which they were engaged would be unnecessary.

Canseco is largely relegated to history and carnival shows nowadays.  The same will not happen with Mr. Trump, no matter how hard the Left tries to sideline him.  This is yet another instance where Mr. Trump has been horribly mistreated.

He is deserving of an apology.

(c) 2023 The Truxton Spangler Chronicles